Sentences with phrase «somewhere along the journey»

Somewhere along the journey, I slipped up on reformatting my memory cards.
You may find somewhere along the journey that the new schedule works for you, and you want to continue pumping for a little while longer.
If we have anything at all to give the world, we are going to find it somewhere along that journey
Most of us were, or at least internalized that belief somewhere along our journey of growing up.
Somewhere along this journey, we lost sight of the spirit of cooperation that allowed PUC to open.
Did I do something wrong somewhere along this journey, maybe switching too fast or choosing the wrong raw foods?
Somewhere along this journey, we got talked into booking the next day's 4:30 am tour to the main reason anyone bothers to make this trek — the ancient Mayan ruins of Tikal.
Someone, somewhere along your journey, said these words or words like them when you were young and tender and vulnerable, and they lied.
Food waste is a serious problem, with an estimated 24 percent of calories produced for human consumption getting lost somewhere along the journey from farm to plate.
Lots of networking... hopes of finding something... all of life's ups and downs... somewhere along this journey our luck as got to turn around.

Not exact matches

Fortunately, these buyers discover — somewhere along their home - buying journey — that they don't need a «full» twenty percent down.
The basic story line is about a traveler who sets out on a journey, but gets distracted and somewhere along the way stops, plants a garden and forgets about the journey.
Beautiful one - You are reading this, somewhere along your healing journey.
You are reading this, somewhere along your healing journey.
Somewhere along my life journey I learned the importance of chewing.
But either way I will follow your journey as your passion will inevitably lead somewhere worth tagging along.
Directed by Jason Reitman and Written by Diablo Cody this psychological journey into the self dances somewhere along the lines of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Fight Club.
Why just get somewhere when you can make the journey — slipping along the Mississippi, threading through Napa's vineyards, or thundering across the Grand Canyon — as glorious as your final destination.
With multiple routings to Sydney and Auckland, it appeared there would be an interesting opportunity for a stopover somewhere along the line, which would be like adding a bonus stop to an already exceptional journey.
Or is it simply that somewhere along the arduous journey from paper records to our digital data, some bogus data (from some other station?)
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