Sentences with phrase «son took a little longer»

My son took a little longer and started around 11 months, but for only an average of about three nights a week.

Not exact matches

Warning to mom with son who «flops his little stuff right on the edge», my son ended up with a bacterial infection on his «little stuff» and the doctors took so long to figure out what was wrong that now he has real issues with anyone looking at or touching his «little stuff».
My son took a long time to learn to nurse, and I remember one of the first good nursing sessions, he was 2 months old, in the cutest little pajamas that reminded me of pilots» coveralls, and his arms were getting a little too long for them.
My two girls used to sit for ages and listen to stories when they were little tots, but my sons took a long time before they were able to sit and listen to a longer story.
Some days I avoid burnout by going to yoga, taking the dog for an extra long walk, having one more cup of tea, pouring over some textile or fashion books on the couch, making myself a lovely little lunch, meeting my son after school for some ice - cream, and having a great family dinner in the evening.
At any rate, not that I would ever stop night - nursing my baby simply because other people might think me strange for continuing to do this, but I'm curious if more women are like me and choose to do this — or if I really am in an extremely small minority of women who plan to let all aspects of breastfeeding take their natural course with their little ones, including night feedings for as long as my son desires.
This past long weekend, my family (myself, husband, son 5, and daughter 2.5) took a little road - trip vaca!
As my son got a little older (3 to 5 weeks), he started taking longer naps in the chair.
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