Sentences with phrase «soothing scratchy»

This warm turmeric and milk drink from Whole Living contributing editor Sophie Herbert is excellent for soothing a scratchy throat.
It soothes a scratchy throat, settles a tossing tummy and clears the way to breath in fresh air.
Not only does it protect you from a host of viral infections, this detox tea also helps you boost immunity, soothe scratchy throat, relieves headaches and nausea and even clears out chest congestion.

Not exact matches

Soothe your sore throat with these DIY Cough Drops!If you're prone to a sore, scratchy throat, look no...
Water's soothing, calming properties can be a godsend on those scratchy days when nothing has gone quite right for your toddler
I used pure vitamin e oil on my belly and it was sooooo soothing when I had the itchy scratchies.
A throat soothing tea featuring marshmallow and licorice root for fast relief of a scratchy throat.
When the weather turned, and I had been waking up with a scratchy throat, I found that a teaspoonful of the pepper in a cup of hot water really helped soothe (and possibly kill off) whatever was starting the trouble as the scratchiness is no longer there.
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