Sentences with phrase «sophisticated knowledge»

We have significant experience in representing Brazilian clients in cross-border disputes that require sophisticated knowledge of the language, culture, and commercial customs.
That requires two things: in - depth, intimate knowledge of a client's situation and issues, and a very sophisticated knowledge distribution system.
Commercial REO and Distressed Property representation requires sophisticated knowledge of marketplace conditions coupled with high level capital profile analysis, these being key components to a complex transaction.
Building on their wealth of industry knowledge, this brand brings with it the tailored and sophisticated knowledge on how to transcend a perfectly refined, luxury holiday to resort locations.
Gifted students bring an advanced and sophisticated knowledge base to the classroom and need educators who can accelerate them in their knowledge base.
«We must equip our people with more - sophisticated knowledge in order to remain globally competitive,» says Ng.
Increasingly, learning is recognised as a continuous, cumulative and potentially lifelong process through which individuals develop deeper understandings, more sophisticated knowledge and higher levels of skill.
Submissiveness as a Choice Savvy dogs who could lead a pack if needed and who possess sophisticated knowledge of pack structure often choose a submissive role.
Peter: [09:14] You have a pretty sophisticated knowledge of the legal market.
One caution: Creating interactive tools demands a fairly sophisticated knowledge of Web authoring software.
Accusations of health insurance fraud or health care fraud demand an experienced criminal defense attorney with sophisticated knowledge of health care law, investigation procedures and complex medical coding practices.
Viewers with a far less agile and sophisticated knowledge of film history than Tarantino will intuit that Stephen's name is an allusion to Stepin Fetchit, the stage and film persona of Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry.
Human survival requires a sophisticated knowledge of, and a profound respect for, the ecosystem.
(AP, n. 31) Furthermore, Pope Leo understood that what we moderns call science - sophisticated knowledge of the natural world - has an impact on philosophy.
In their own words: «With all the sophisticated knowledge of recent times, no machinery has yet been developed that grinds grains into flour quite as well as our flint - hard quartz millstones quarried in France and used by discriminating millers since early Roman times.»
Diana Mitlin, the author of the October 2015 editorial and co-author of the April 2015 editorial said: «What is evident is that global commitments can and have made a difference — especially if there is the understanding that progress in sanitation requires a sophisticated knowledge of the local context and projects owned by those who are intended to benefit.
It breaks my heart that the sophisticated knowledge about holistic healing that we are advocating for was just not as available several years ago!
Additionally, the team behind this film have a sophisticated knowledge of cinema and use that to their advantage.
A well - conceived multiple - choice question can probe deeply into a student's command of complex cognitive skills, prowess at problem solving, and sophisticated knowledge of subject matter.
The contemporary student comes to the classroom with a sophisticated knowledge of computers.
Butchulla people have gained their sophisticated knowledge of the island environment over thousands of years, and maintain a strong connection today.
The sophisticated knowledge of sacred geometry, especially the golden ratio, was considered highly advanced and closely related to secretive spiritual wisdom and religious traditions.
We will not succeed without a sophisticated knowledge of our species as a product of genetic evolution and a process of evolution in our own right.
With many claims calling for a sophisticated knowledge of constitutional law, municipal employer liability laws, school law and many federal anti-discrimination laws, RRD's lawyers are well - equipped to defend its municipal clients.
Selecting a mortgage requires a sophisticated knowledge of the various mortgage products and their advantages and disadvantages.
Our FINRA arbitration attorneys offer extensive experience in FINRA hearings and a complex, sophisticated knowledge of securities law.
Our representation is based on a sophisticated knowledge of the law, but also on our individual backgrounds, and that includes time working in construction.
These kinds of cases require a sophisticated knowledge of relevant procedures and statutes.
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