Sentences with word «sophistry»

Sophistry refers to a deceptive or misleading argument that seems logical but is actually false or misleading. It involves using clever or persuasive tactics to manipulate or deceive others. Full definition
This just seems like an exceedingly silly exercise in sophistry.
All this is justified with sophistry about supposedly hard - headed political reality and woolly notions about obliquity.
The situation is dire and some people have little patience for sophistry.
It is enough to have an intellect unhampered by sophistry or prejudice.
You must not understand what sophistry is, otherwise you wouldn't have thrown that charge out in that context.
That is just sophistry, not logic, and definitely not evidence.
The obvious objection to my claim that academic education is itself a kind of moral education is to point out that the information and skills acquired in school are just as easily put in the service of sophistry as in the service of truth - seeking.
Surely what you mean is «Ken may well employ sophistry to claim that he is not technically in breach of party rules, because saying that the candidate should not have been dropped, walking around for the TV cameras with the rival candidate (and having a quick chat about why the Labour candidate) did not in fact entail an explicit «vote Rahman» public statement (even though the whole point was to convey precisely that impression to any sentient being).
Miola's critique of my discussion of John Shakespeare's «spiritual testament» is awash with rhetorical sophistry designed to undermine its objective importance.
If we allow ourselves to be distracted by theological sophistries we run the risk of squandering this opportunity.
Obfuscation, empty rhetoric and sophistry do not feed understanding.
The problem, painfully clear to the rest of us, is that you really aren't competent to distinguish between specious motivated sophistry and rigorous evidence - based argument, and you won't be until you put the time and effort in to be the peer of full - time climate specialists.
This allows sophistry based on your extreme egocentrism, in short, allows you to lie your ass off.
And even though he responds with self - justifying sophistries, it doesn't affect our friendship very much.
The assertion about the huge financial involvement in my views is in order but may not be completely correct, as the argument was not only sophistry but antithetical to building a nation devoid of corruption and goes against the global warning on corruption as succulently pointed out.
Ashley Bickerton, Arcanery Chicanery Chicanery Sophistry C2A (2014).
The dining table has to be the centerpiece furniture in your dining room which will provide sophistry, elegance and style without any taint of inexpensiveness in its quality and design.
If the physical behavior can not be seen at its very basic elements, then no amount of stacking «steel greenhouses» or any other such sophistry can change the fundamental properties that govern the physical fundamentals.
Sadly most Americans are unable or unwilling to grasp the fairly basic numbers stated above and thus are easily swayed by the political sophistry purveyed by «Earlyretired».
Have the courage to admit your ignorance, and take your decrepit sophistry elsewhere.
We must believe on account of the Word of God when, admonished by the church, we understand that this meaning is truly and without sophistry taught in the Word of God.»
This is just another failed attempt at creationist sophistry designed to distract from the elephant in the room: WHERE IS THE CREATIONIST HYPOTHESIS FOR THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE?
John Adams wrote, «His arguments... were ridiculous, but whether they proceeded from honest Ignorance, or foolish Supersti [ti] on on the one hand, or from willfull Sophistry and knavish Hypocrisy on the other I know not.»
Does art graphically illustrate that self - deification which is a bit more difficult to ferret out of the self - glorifying sophistries we call theology (Feuerbach)?
However, during the GATT negotiations, by an act of legal sophistry, the North managed to retain almost intact most of its subsidies to its farmers.
All that unrefined french sophistry can be directed at a new victim — preferably, in a far away land.
He claimed, with great sophistry, that fighting corruption, on such frontal scale, was mutually exclusive to running sound governance.
She is thought of particularly highly by the Brexiters because during the campaign she was prepared to lie - or, if you are being generous, commit to a systematic act of aggressive sophistry - by claiming that Turkey was about to join the EU and that Britain had no veto to stop it.
Continue reading «Peter Lilley MP: The statistical sophistry of the Stern Review on climate change»»
Attempting to cast a treatise as if the argument was over the desirability or otherwise of foreign real FDI investment amounts to intellectual sophistry!
Science is not a debate society where sophistry is more important than facts and evidence.
In what may be a career high, he plays Joel's bartender buddy, proffering sophistries on the meaning of life, recommending Xanax as a cure - all («I take it for the common head cold») and offering bad advice at all turns.

Phrases with «sophistry»

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