Sentences with phrase «sore tummy»

Unfortunately eating this chicken would give me at best a very sore tummy as it's only been cooked for 10 minutes.
It can help with sugar cravings, bloating, recurrent sore tummies, healing the gut (from overuse of antibiotics) which also can help with symptoms like ADHD and tics.
You know how kids are constantly complaining about sore tummies and sore feet and sore heads until it becomes white noise?
I love a cup when I have a sore tummy or am feeling a little low.
i tried my baby on pumpkin puree for the first time and it gave her a sore tummy so i used all the pumpkin i had prepared to make these!
Always a great flavour combination and ice cream is always welcome on a sore tummy.
Magic Fairy Cream If your little child has a sore tummy, ankle, arm...
That way if there is a reaction then baby won't have to sleep with a sore tummy.
If your toddler complains of a sore tummy for more than a couple of days, chances are that they are suffering from constipation.
Do not leave your child alone with this activity — you will end up with a huge mess and if they choose to try some of their concoction — a sore tummy!
This small sized puppy toy is great for stimulating puppies mentally and physically as well as ensuring they eat their food at an appropriate pace preventing a sore tummy!
Rewinding five days... I was lying in bed on Sunday night feeling my sore tummy when I discovered a whopping big mass under my caesarean scar and promptly decided I was dying.
I was lying in bed on Sunday night feeling my sore tummy when I discovered a whopping big mass under my caesarean scar and promptly decided I was dying.
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