Sentences with phrase «sorry people»

I'm so sorry people can't just be happy for you guys.
Sorry People interested in making atheists look bad might make up names.
You need to have thick skin if you want to be in the industry, sorry people criticized your game, it's still selling well, get over it.
Sorry people on Nintendo 3DS Community who thought that Rosalina might be a new character for Mario Tennis Open, Nintendo has officially come out and said otherwise.
This is absolute truth... sorry people there is no other truth except what you fantasize in your imagination.
Hey guys, sorry some ppl thought there was going to be new info because of the Gematsu link.
sorry people working this weekend - you must die!
Alyssa you did wonderful and I am definitely going to try this I'm so sorry some people just think to bring their negativity to others whenever they find the chance!
Sorry people with pirated copies, you'll just have to enjoy the outdated version you now have until you decide to buy it.
I remember being enormously frustrated at this game and then getting the Sunsoft newsletter that had an angry article attacking consumers saying something like, «We're sorry people played «Fester's Quest» didn't want a challenge!
First off, I'm sorry the person who told you Nelnet is beyond help, gave you that advice.
I'm sorry people gave you crap about it — that should never happen.
I'm so sorry people were being nasty, Andrea.
that stupid inferiority complex that sorry people on the internet like to believe.
Sorry people he is not righteous never has been... He; s undercover!!!
You are a sorry person.
... sorry people, that's what we are and with support of the 1st Amendment that's what we will STAY!
I see the consequences of sin being given full reign in people's lives in jail — sometimes just being there among all that metaphorical «filth» can suck the life out of you — but I also see broken, sorry people, appalled by their own crime and honest about their fallenness.
In the case of the people who wrote about jesus, sorry those people can't be confirmed and thus are not reliable.
I think having questions about John as a gospel are very normal — sorry people that disagree — but you have to actually study this phenomenon to have any valid input.
Sorry some people had problems!
Sorry people an ok substitution just doesn't cut it for me, it just didn't taste like authentic pie filling.
sorry people but these are real problems, existing since 10 years, and wenger / the board does nt give a thing to solve these problems.
I'm sorry people but Arsene Wengers legacy is dying by the week..
Sorry people, just done with Walcott, I've left his «talent» for dead.
Sorry people's Google Chrome is being a pain in the Ar **.
I'm sorry people!
I'm sorry the people you knew didn't make you feel more comfortable: -LRB-
I had to wear my teal cashmere jumper AGAIN... sorry people, it was the only thing that really felt right.
I also wanted to say that I'm so sorry people are giving you a hard time on Instagram.
I am sorry people.
You are a sorry person to do that to a helpless dog.
«Sorry People» promotes our veterinary hospital as so state - of - the - art that humans would want to makes appointments for themselves.
«you can click one button and change the site to look the same as the old site» sorry people, but how?
Still, sorry people, looks like the secret characters in Mario Tennis Open really are just a bunch of different coloured Yoshis.
I am sorry people — but this article is an absolute joke.
I'm sorry people, I know I'm always a mess before the holidays.
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