Sentences with phrase «sort of ambiguity»

Most lawyers prefer that sort of ambiguity when it comes to promoting their services in their attorney bio.
The Queens Museum of Art organized the exhibition Generation 1.5 with this sort of ambiguity of origin in mind.
All they are to you is a series of words and possibly a photograph, and with that sort of ambiguity it can be easy to create any number of different impressions or images.
So this is sort of an ambiguity that herbalists are faced with sometimes when talking about the most magical plants.
Fraught with all sorts of ambiguities and uncertainties, the process is different from any other, and most people who go through it experience significant anxiety at some point or another.

Not exact matches

The teaching of Christ in the gospels is full of exhortations to «works righteousness,» however inconvenient they may prove for certain established strains of Christian dogmatics, and the episode of the young ruler is wholly lacking in the sort of exegetical ambiguities that might allow for reassuring evasions of that sort.
The only circumstance able to lend theories of this sort even the remotest appearance of plausibility lies in the ambiguity and vagueness of the word «psychical.»
These programs are emphasizing the possibility of conspiracy and ambiguity in a way that older sorts of mysteries didn't do.
This sort of research assumes away the rich social context and great social and practical ambiguities of the real world.
Second, because the anthropological account has a moral - political intention, the stories introduce us to human life in all its moral ambiguity; we are meant to learn which human elements cause what sorts of moral or political trouble and why.
These are problems curable by personal means alone, without reference to a wider political context or much recourse to the sort of multilayered psychological ambiguity found in the work of Maurice Pialat or John Cassavetes.
I'm sure many liberties were taken with plot, characters and actions, but more importantly I believe that linking it with real life tragedy is in poor taste and leads to all sorts of moral ambiguities.
It's Got: Fine acting, a provocative script, and the sort of uncomfortable ambiguities that prompt each of us to confront the fascist, or the collaborator, in ourselves
Most of these excerpts are from the middle and the very end: I trust I won't be mistaken for the sort of boob who attacks ambiguity or complexity.
Sort of all three, and the eerie ambiguity makes it so interesting.
While quick and eager to offer food for thought with its questions raised, they are then far less sure to offer any sort of satisfying explanations or even at least the beginnings of them, the wishy - washy vagueness ultimately coming off as a willful decision less for intriguing, stimulating ambiguity than to rather gracelessly leave open back doors for sequels.
The ambiguity about whether or not he's really dead, the sort of effeminate quality of the cover as a whole, the implications of the girl kissing him, as though sealing his death... it's a whole new conversation point in its own right.
For the record white birch is a renewable resource and induces a welcoming feel by allowing the room to appear larger than it truly is and offering a sort of design ambiguity.
There is growing impatience with UK government in - fighting, as it tries to determine the sort of Brexit acceptable to the Conservative Party (although, as a result, Theresa May's ambiguity over the UKs end - game is a reasonable strategy for remaining as Prime Minister).
Whatever the occasional benefits of latent ambiguities in legal writing — giving contracts professors something to talk about, for example — there's less tolerance for that sort of thing in computing.
You need to make your mind up because this sort of name ambiguity can detract from your personal brand, make it more difficult to differentiate yourself from competition and for recruiters to conduct candidate research.
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