Sentences with phrase «sort of return»

It would be nice to gain a better grasp of the issues at play in a determination of what sort of returns sequences to «root» for.
When describing previous roles in your CV, make your results and achievements clear to show potential employers what sort of return on investment they can expect from you.
Do you have any sense of what sort of returns sequence we should be «rooting» for today?
What sort of return do you need from your portfolio to pay your bills or enjoy your retirement?
However, not all projects will give you the same sort of return.
What sort of return rates are your lenders averaging?
What sort of returns did they achieve and what were they buying?
In addition, after Super Paper Mario's RPG / platforming hybrid, Paper Mario: Sticker Star sort of returns to the RPG style; I say sort of because levelling - up and set attacks are gone.
Price Peaks I've long had an interest in learning more about which sorts of returns sequences are best and which are worst, given the valuation level that applies at a given time.
It's sort of the return of the «Platinum Extras» certificate program.
Make sure you pencil out what sort of return you're getting on your time investment so you know this whole venture is worth it to you!
When you risk money by investing it, you're always hoping to earn some sort of return.
If you could add one more column to your chart that listed «amount invested», then we (I) could see the sort of return you're getting on each passive investment.
It's very, very, very, very, very unlikely that investors who buy into Bitcoin now are going to see these sorts of returns — the kind of gains Robert and Peter realized by getting in super early.
This sort of return on a $ 150 million investment does not make manufacturing viable.
Would we annoint TW as a «titan» with that sort of return?
The 24 - year - old's contract finishes at the end of next season, and the Bundesliga side are likely trying to get some sort of return for the player before he can depart for nothing in a year.
That sort of return is rare in a wide player and frankly quite difficult to ignore imo.
As we are almost halfway into November, it is natural that fans, managers and chairman will be expecting to have seen some sort of return by now.
Dumping Bogo and eating half of his salary now doesn't make any sense for that sort of return.
The sort of return that Nemanja Matic, Ederson and Mohamed Salah - all...
Vidal would undoubtedly be an excellent choice, and his impressive 11 goals and five assists during Juventus» Serie A winning campaign last year is exactly the sort of return desperately needed at Old Trafford.
Arsenal Pies «In many respects it was â $ ˜one of those nightsâ $ ™; Spurs had six shots on goal, scored five and hit the post, the sort of return that happens once a season.
If like me you like to have a little fun with the markets when they open, try to work out a number of potential movers across Europe and work out what sort of return that you can get from sticking a small stake on it.»
What a government can't do though is pump money into the economy indefinitely without getting any sort of return.
With that sort of return on energy expenditure, BigDog could get away with having a smaller and possibly quieter engine; its current power plant produces a loud, mind - numbing drone when in operation.
You need to invest stupid amounts / spend a stupid amount of time to get any sort of return and then it's just the same thing we've had before with a few more vehicles... and the GTA$ returns are crap.
This really feels like the kind of inspired, unique, and funny filmmaking that we came to expect from the folks at Pixar before their run of somewhat disappointing releases, and I'm really hoping Inside Out acts as a sort of return to form for the studio.
This film is a sort of return to form for the classic action - adventure genre.
So, fellow Alfisti, what do you guys think — is this the sort of return to form for Alfa Romeo that you were hoping for?
The Volkswagen Concept T is sort of a return to the old dune - buggy segment that VW helped create, but don't expect to see this vehicle at your local dealer — well, ever.
You should also make sure that giveaways have some sort of return for your book.
But to generate that sort of return, you'll need to be prepared to invest aggressively.
Earning this sort of return consistently over many years, though, is stupidly hard.
Jonathan Clements — when you discuss investing with individuals, their all focused on performance, are they going to be the market, what sort of return are the going to earn, and I say to people I've been kicking around Wall Street for 30 years, nobody knows which direction the financial markets are going to be going or what stocks are going to be another.
What sort of return are you expecting in 2018 and beyond?
There's no investment that will guarantee that sort of return.
That sort of return is hard to beat.
Robert Shiller, John Bogle, Warren Buffett, William Bernstein and other stock investing experts have often warned investors that it is not reasonable to expect the sorts of returns that fueled the bull market of the 1980s and 1990s now that valuations have reached such high levels.
For those who aren't comfortable taking risk, remember you'll still need to generate some sort of return to meet your retirement objectives, he adds.
You want this money to be liquid, but also be able to get some sort of return on it:
As a general rule, speculating to accumulate does require a certain degree of disposable income in order to generate any sort of return.
My sense is that some sorts of returns sequences are better for certain types of investors and other sorts of return sequences are better for other types of investors.
When you risk money by investing it, you're always hoping to earn some sort of return.
That sort of return is hard to beat.
It's sort of a return to roots for this type of game, a lot of the classic gameplay and older characters have returned.»
In her latest show, The Pure Products of America Go Crazy, at CAPITAL in San Francisco (a sort of return home for a prodigal daughter educated at Stanford), she has done it again.
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