Sentences with phrase «sorted by designations»

Tasks can be filtered and sorted by designations such as Assigned To Me and Assigned By Me, and also by labels such as New, Due Soon and Overdue.

Not exact matches

Click over to the Shrek 4 page at the Rotten Tomatoes film criticism aggregator and sort the field for Top Critics, the site's designation for reviewers accredited by name - brand news sites and old - media incumbents.
As I have observed before, what critics don't do with female authors is flop down and face east, blubbering and feet - kissing and throwing around extravagant if shopworn designations like «the Great American Novel», creating the sort of hoo - ha that recently surrounded Freedom by Jonathan Franzen.
Form T2091 — Designation Of A Property As A Principal Residence By An Individual (Other Than A Personal Trust) sorts it all out.
Though I do not generally have a problem with district judges sitting by designation, I think there is a worrisome sort of conflict - of - interest for district judges to be very involved in defining a circuit court's standards for when district judges are sentencing in a reasonable manner.
Here, you can sort for currently offered courses by topic, location, date, designation affiliation and more.
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