Sentences with phrase «sorts of combinations»

She's blind and sort of the combination of the language barrier and her being blind means that she's more dependent on him than usual.
If he comes short, I go long and we've just got a good sort of combinations.
It's sort of a combination encouragement - consequence: show me you're improving, and you earn something you want.
Is there something less appealing about teaching or sort of a combination of both?
However, Valeant didn't spell out what sort of combination of stock and cash it is prepared to offer.
Others take a different stab at what sort of combination could have spawned the nucleus.
Two controllers attach to the sides of the screen to turn it into a sort of combination tablet / portable game console.
This sort of combination is rare among most credit cards, which is why we think the BankAmericard Travel Rewards card does stand out and offer consumers some value.
After classes are finished for the day, there's usually some sort of combination of home cleaning / grocery shopping / errand running that takes place.
In the end I think it's some sort of combination.
You thought being a «social conservative» meant some sort of combination of pro-life, pro-family, pro-fiscal responsibility, pro-original intent, and so forth.
The center is soft, sort of a combination of cookie dough and a mounds bar.
Love how this recipe can be a springboard for all sorts of combinations.
I was inspired by baking sites and many Paleo blogs, so wanted some sort of combination of two.
This marinade is sort of a combination of Rick Bayless's Mojo recipe and a mix of my favorite herbs for pork chops.
Experiment with all sorts of combinations and toppings, and look forward to breakfast and snacks again!
Many or I should say most green goddess dressings call for some sort of combination of mayonnaise, sour cream or milk.
Incidentally I had been looking at an Everyday Food recipe for little deep dish pizzas made in a muffin tin, so these Mini Deep - Dish Pizzas that I'm sharing with you is sort of a combination of the two recipes.
They're the sort of combinations that will make you feel at once scrappy and elegant.
I've tried out all sorts of combinations such as adding peas, spinach and onions, turmeric, cumin and cinnamon.
That is an interesting spinach dish, I have a spinach dish I had planned to make and I think I will incorporate some of this dish, sort of a combination of the two.
The manager spends every day with players in training trying all sorts of combinations and partnerships.
Our first day in Africa happened to be Kenyatta Day in Nairobi, a sort of combination Fourth of July - George Washington's Birthday in honor of the Republic's first and only president, Jomo Kenyatta.
And though there are plenty who believe, with good reason, that his most effective position of all may be the sort of combination of the two roles that Paul Scholes achieved in his pomp, Rooney on Wednesday was playing much deeper than that, operating just in front of his back four and staying back in a manner that Scholes resorted to only right at the end of his career when his legs had gone.
2 divisions: flag football and ultimate (a sort of combination of football, soccer, basketball and ultimate frisbee)
Mixing and matching and creating all sorts of combinations with red will create an entire wardrobe and accessories that are always fun and bright to look at.
She was super kind and immediately brought out the kitchen manager — a sort of combination between chef and manager.
There is an unlimited assortment of blended breakfast drinks with all sorts of combinations: orange juice, bananas, apple juice, wheat germ, etc..
Or she could get some sort of combination of these options.
«She's sort of a combination of Southern charm and back - room politics, a Southern belle with a cigar in her mouth,» Jane Danowitz, executive director of the Women's Campaign Fund, told the Washington Post in 1992.
At a panel in September, Rechler joked with the crowd that when he was appointed in 2011, Gov. Andrew Cuomo «didn't really explain to me the Port Authority was some sort of combination of Boardwalk Empire and Scandal in terms of what goes on there.»
So that led to what I wanted to do: Some sort of combination of research and clinical practice involving genetics.
This dietary intervention was used alongside traditional drugs as a sort of combination therapy.
«Classification is a tricky problem; there are short trees, tall trees, trees next to each other, next to buildings — all sorts of combinations,» says team member Ramakrishna Nemani, an earth scientist at NASA's Advanced Supercomputer Division in Mountain View, California.
Do you agree with that, or do you favor another approach — maybe going heavier with lower reps, or pushing beyond 15 reps, or some sort of combination?
There's likely some sort of combination between the ability to recover muscle endurance while under metabolic fatigue, as well as dominance of certain muscle groups in movements, and inability to pump metabolic waste out of tissue that results in the pumped up feeling athletes have.
It is a sort of combination of planking and the ab wheel move.
But there are all sorts of combinations you can try!
Many or I should say most green goddess dressings call for some sort of combination of mayonnaise, sour cream or milk.
Red dominated the runways in all sorts of combinations, from sophisticated power suits, seperates, and red leather thigh high boots (my personal fave).
Fenty Beauty Mattemoiselle lipsticks are a sort of combination of Sephora and Marc Jacobs lipsticks.
Usually, lavender is paired with some sort of combination of lemon, honey, vanilla, vodka, but I like my cocktails sparkling.
Its sort of a combination of dating and playing Russian Roulette with my brain juice.
The 2000 film did a sort of combination of these two concepts, making the spokes - Who the mayor, but keeping the «only he can hear Horton» angle.
Sort of a combination of toxic and death.
a sort of combination of the real - life films «Ben - Hur» and «The Robe.»
One is a deep profile of this globetrotting, nineteenth - century Forrest Gump - type character who destroyed everything he touched, and the other is a sort of a combination road trip tale and education expose.
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