Sentences with phrase «sorts of confusion»

Why he then killed himself demonstrates to me a sort of confusion or contradiction, a lack of faith?
If you don't understand which particular group is being spoken of at a particular time / place, you will end up with all sorts of confusion...
Replacement refs lost track of timeouts, creating all sorts of confusion in the Seahawks - Cardinals game.
The team radio ban... kind of ban, kind of not, kind of no - one - really - knows - the - rules rule, has caused all sorts of confusion since it was introduced at the start of this year and now it's starting to affect the world championship.
If that wasn't enough, there was also an attacking side to his game that racked up an impressive thirteen career goals - including one at international level - and his forays into the opposition's penalty area could lead to all sorts of confusion and indirectly led to Teddy Sheringham's late equaliser against Bayern Munich in the 1999 European Cup Final.
As I discuss in my free e-book, The Lunch Tray's Guide to Getting Junk Food Out of Your Child's Classroom, it's just this sort of confusion that complicates matters greatly when parents are asked to send in «healthy» food to school parties and events.
People all over the internet proved this over and over, but still there is some sort of confusion out there.
Leeds, United Kingdom About Blog Blogging about ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) & related issues The condition is also known as CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) which causes all sorts of confusion Frequency about 1 post per month.
The weird positioning at the base of the dashboard is awkward ergonomically and its proximity to the lower display and resemblance to a big volume knob created all sorts of confusion over the first few days.
It led to all sorts of confusion like showing incorrect... [Read more...]
To make matters worse, they will have to educate people which format to use for which device, and they will have to prepare — and possibly ramp up support staff, to answer all the customer questions stemming from this sort of confusion.
It led to all sorts of confusion like showing incorrect battery reading, battery draining fast along with the device itself going in and out of sleep mode on its own.
The world of debt buyers, debt collectors, and debt collection law firms creates all sorts of confusion for consumers.
General advice for novice investors is to have the majority of your holdings be denominated in your home currency as this reduces volatility which can make people squeamish and, related to your second question, prevents all sorts of confusion.
In fact, not separating the two is likely to cause all sorts of confusion — both for you as a small business owner and for you as the head of your...
Leeds, United Kingdom About Blog Blogging about ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) & related issues The condition is also known as CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) which causes all sorts of confusion Frequency about 1 post per month.
I, too, find that difficult to reconcile with the current state of knowledge, unless there's some sort of confusion in defining terms.
Faulty use of «hybrid» paper and electronic records (the sort of confusion - inducing circumstance at South Shore Hospital that is alleged by lawyers for Robertson's family) was among the most frequently cited examples of harm in the review.
It is necessary to inform your insurer about your family medical history and pre-existing conditions so that you don't have any sorts of confusion with your cover.
Leeds, United Kingdom About Blog Blogging about ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) & related issues The condition is also known as CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) which causes all sorts of confusion Frequency about 1 post per month.
Leeds, United Kingdom About Blog Blogging about ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) & related issues The condition is also known as CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) which causes all sorts of confusion Frequency about 1 post per month.
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