Sentences with phrase «soulful music»

"Soulful music" refers to music that is deeply emotional, heartfelt, and expressive, touching the listener's soul or evoking strong emotions. Full definition
Jackson has always been the chief draw; he's known for his gift of creating soulful music with his saxophone, especially his rendition of «What a Wonderful World.»
High Times calls Nutritious «A Musical Healer» and the Sample UK recently pointed out that Nutritious is»... an integral part in the growth of soulful music worldwide... and really is one of the most interesting and exciting DJs at the moment.»
Writer - director Robert Budreau takes a stylised approach to this biopic of the legendary jazz artist Chet Baker, combining the achingly soulful music with an equally resonant performance from Ethan Hawke.
Working with an outrageous assemblage of peculiar objects, they thrash and grind soulful music from unlikely sources.
Relax and recharge in the intimate and inspiring lounge with funky soulful music.
Enjoy panoramic views of the city, with soulful music played by our resident DJ.
THE HIRSHHORN MUSEUM was infused with sacred, soulful music on Friday evening.
Using strategy - laden attacks, Red fights to take vengeance for everything she's lost against a backdrop of soulful music and beautiful destruction.
You never marched to condon this behavior you welcome the soulful music.
Cocktails will be flowing, soulful music will be playing and without a doubt there will be romance in the air!
Enjoy movies, walking, bowling, fishing, Gospel and Soulful Music.
The film's strongest relation to cohesion is that it fits rather perfectly into Brewer's oeuvre, settling alongside Hustle & Flow and Black Snake Moan as an unmistakably Southern tale wherein the aural backdrop for the sun - scorched imagery is a potent blend of rough, soulful music and the evocative hum of locusts.
The city epitomises everything it means to be Basque: soulful music, vibrant (and frequent) festivals, delicious syrupy red wine, charcuterie, bull racing, and beautiful landscape.
The soulful music, the herbal teas, and the fruit juices besides the therapies and treatment vouch for a great experience for all.
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