Sentences with phrase «sound film»

It was the second all - black cast film produced by a major Hollywood studio and the first sound film by white writer and director King Vidor.
In 1929 Eisenstein travelled abroad with his assistant Grigory Alexandrov and cameraman Eduard Tisse to study the new technology of sound film.
Producer Issa Clubb compiles some interesting facts about two important early sound films by G. W. Pabst.
News that the Oscar - winning film - maker is set to produce an origins story for Batman's most notorious nemesis has come as a surprise — but history suggests that the match might not be as disastrous as it sounds
Despite not portraying the American hardcore scene in the most authentic light, Ten Thousand Saints is a well - acted, technically sound film with a wonderful ensemble cast and an adequate amount of charm.
Traveling entertainers: orphaned Vaudeville acts live on, decades later, in an early sound film technology
Sound film revealed his aptitude for dialects and Mandy spent the next decade and a half playing Italian or French cooks, chefs, and maîtres d'hôtel.
It was a later sound film, 1930's Little Caesar, that brought him to the attention of American audiences; portraying gangster boss Rico Bandello, he established a prototype for a number of gangster roles he played in the ensuing years.
Only nine minutes of the sound version exists on film but the entire audio survives and the disc presents a mix of audio only, silent footage synchronized to the discs, and the surviving sound film footage.
This CD was released in 2004 by Varese Sarabande, featuring a small amount of music not on the original (very rare) CD release on Memoir Records, and absolutely stunning sound - it's easily the best - sounding film score from the period I've heard.
Julien Duvivier's early sound films offer emotionally rich explorations of life in prewar France.
This time around, the conversation is between William Friedkin and Fritz Lang, a master filmmaker whose career spanned multiple decades and included movies made in both the silent and sound film eras as well as a significant output working in Hollywood.
And when his 1958 masterpiece «Vertigo» — that eerie romantic chiller starring James Stewart as a detective afraid of heights and Kim Novak as the beautiful mystery woman for whom he falls — was recently voted the best movie of all time, finally beating out runner - up «Citizen Kane» in the Sight and Sound film poll, it was a recognition that was probably as much for Hitchcock's entire oeuvre.
Their films are hardly ever shown on television (except for TCM, which will have a L&H marathon once every 18 months or so, and then not show them at all), and their very best sound films have not been available on DVD, other than for those 2 inferior (and now discontinued) discs from 2003 and 2005.
Before hitting the Oscar jackpot in the late 1990s, the Weinsteins appeared to view each awards season as a kind of challenge to get the unlikeliest - sounding films into the Best Picture frame: be it a gender - bending IRA thriller, metaphor - heavy Antipodean erotic drama, ultra-violent B - movie tribute or a miniscule Italian drama about poetry.
Roman Polanski Polanski returns with this intriguing sounding film written by Olivier Assayas and starring Eva Green and Emmanuelle Seigner, which details a writer who gets all wrapped up with an obsessive fan.
An early sound film shot with a distinctive and evocative silent film aesthetic, Vampyr is a horror movie as tone poem.
With such a strong tale (adapted from Heinrich Mann's novel «Professor Unrat») behind Sternberg's layered visual style, it becomes his most dramatically driven sound film, and his most tragic.
I write on Frank Capra's first film with Barbara Stanwyck, the early sound film Ladies of Leisure (1930), for Turner Classic Movies.
Splendidly rendered, The Polar Express is an often beautiful looking and sounding film experience that makes up for its familiar storyline, adapted from the illustrated story by Chris Van Allsburg, with fantastic special effects, good scoring, and a friendly voice in Tom Hanks (The Terminal, The Ladykillers), who also lends his image as the mysterious train conductor.
A fun, if dark film, and one I would recommend, especially if you can see it cheap or have a good sound system and can get the DVD when it comes out as this is a fun sound film.
It would be difficult to encompass a vast and complicated subject like the transition from silent to sound films in a single volume, and to be fair, cinema historian Scott Eyman's book does not cover all the bases one might hope that it would.
Scott Eyman does a masterful job at recounting the cinema's several earlier failed attempts at sound films, and the later, fateful attempt that set an entire indusry on it's ear.
Jack Goldstein, «Jack,» 1973, 16 mm color sound film, 11 min., 24 sec.
The film's historical merits are greater than its artistic ones: It's Paramount first sound film, directed by Dorothy Arzner (the only women to have a sustained directing career at the time), and the star is «It» Girl, Clara Bow.
The restaurant scenes feature some of his hackiest humor, but the passages that deal exclusively with Haji's character contain some of Kaurismäki's purest filmmaking, harkening back to the early days of sound film.
Jean Renoir's ruthless love triangle tale, his second sound film, is a true precursor to his brilliantly bitter The Rules of the Game, displaying all of the filmmaker's visual genius and fully imbued with his profound sense of humanity.
Objection (1974), a color / sound film by Marjorie Keller serves as a conceptual precedent for much of the work on exhibition.
A month ago I covered a collection of pre-code movies released through the Warner Archive Collection, 11 early sound films of varying quality and pleasure that all, in their own way, had a little audacity to them.
Lloyd George was a powerful orator before he struggled with radio and sound films.
A sound film is a motion picture with synchronized sound, or sound technologically coupled to image, as opposed to a silent film.
Born Luis Antonio Damaso De Alonso, this Mexican - born Latin lover appeared in silent and sound films.
Chaplin's first sound film (but still with no voices, for he wanted it to be a universal tale) was this wonderful and funny movie of transition from the silents to the talkies, structured as a series of fantastic sketch - like scenes and with an incredibly moving, unforgettable last scene.
This early sound film, which made a star of James Cagney, remains one of the most influential crime - gangster films ever made, establishing the basic narrative format of the popular genre.
Von Sternberg's ever - weird first collaboration with Dietrich is a historic early sound film, but there's no need to double - dip if you already own the DVD.
It reminds one of another Catholic filmmaker, Robert Bresson, who once wrote «The sound film invented silence.»
G. W. Pabst brought the war movie into a new era with his first sound film, a mercilessly realistic depiction of the nightmare that scarred a generation, in Germany and beyond.
Westfront 1918 (1930 — Germany) G. W. Pabst brought the war movie into a new era with his first sound film, a mercilessly realistic depiction of the nightmare that scarred a generation, in the director's native Germany and beyond.
Special Features Introduction to the film from 1961 by Director Jean Renoir New interview with Renoir scholar Christopher Faulkner New restoration of «On purge bebe» (1931), Renoir's first sound film, also starring Michael Simon Jean Renoir le patron: «Michael Simon,» a ninety - five - minute 1967 French television program featuring a conversation between Renoir and Simon, directed by Jacques Rivette PLUS: An essay by film scholar Ginette Vincendeau.
Julien Duvivier was a master of the early sound film.
The 1.33 X 1 black & white image on Hamilton shows its age, but it is an early sound film and an event film for Warner early on, so it does need some work.
The live - action talking - pet comedy, which is approximately as old as the sound film, teaches us that there are some...
One of their best looking and sounding films.
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