Sentences with phrase «sound like a crazy person»

You sound like crazy people.
Deb, this may not be a recipe I repeat (I don't like the chewiness of caramel, and I know, there I go, sounding like a crazy person and no way will you read the rest of this comment), but I have to thank you for giving such a great valentine to NYC in the past couple days.
I think I just didn't want to sound like a crazy person... breakfast IS tied with dessert.
«At the risk of sounding like a crazy person,» she continues, «I managed to convince myself in my first trimester that I had doomed our pregnancy by, in no particular order, eating blue cheese, skipping with my toddler niece, inhaling nail polish remover, and having a sex dream about Shaquille O'Neal that resulted in an orgasm.»
[Laughs] I'm going to sound like a crazy person.
I don't want to sound like a crazy person, but I feel like I was meant to find your website today.
I may sound like a crazy person but thankfully science backs me up.
If I say «yes,» I sound like a crazy person.
«I feel many of the holistic veterinarians become so crazed over what we learn that they start to sound like crazy people themselves, creating a terribly negative halo over holistic medicine as a group.
It was on KLUV radio station... OK, I sound like a crazy person.

Not exact matches

It might sound like a radical option, but Niu insists more people should consider these crazy - sounding possibilities.
Some people like the safety net of a salary and working for «The Man» (sounds a little crazy).
if you read between lines, article sounds like a desperate cry of NRA, first sent some stupid with crazy idea of beefing up schools with guns, and now retaining some cheap bible preaching goon as spoke person
Sounds like something a crazy person or large group of them tell themselves as part of the devoted ingrained mass hysteria.
Did my statements sound like a crazy or vengeful person made them?
why do the priests play dress up and wear gown and hats and carry around golden stuff and burn incense and ring bells and sing «let us proclaims the mystery of the faith» and splash water on people and eat horrible tasting bread pretending its a human body — sounds like some crazy middle eastern cult
I've sounded crazy to you liberals time to time but I threw ideas so people will know how the absolutely - worshipped secularism in the West looks like to some Christians now.
And the congregation singing makes me crazy, it sounds like a bunch of dead people moaning to a tune, so aggravating.
Some people think it makes me sound crazy, but the electro - shock that the Mormon program EVERGREEN does to get away the gay in men like myself, messes up my brain.
Although this sounds like a crazy concept for the majority of people who think that there is never too much depth; this could prove to be a real problem for Toronto FC in 2018 and in future years.
This is a gamble and I know it sounds crazy, but would you like to see at the new White Hart Lane 61,000 people watching a great team, challenging for the title every season, challenging for the final of the Champions League every season?»
However, it is growing like crazy and many people are falling in love with the way the name sounds.
Brandon Routh: My wife will probably say that, at the beginning of this because I was over... I was like, I'm doing this, I'm eating fat, she says, «Well, just slow down, it sounds like you're a crazy person,» and I was like, «No, I don't, like this is awesome, I feel great,» and I was.
Let's — if you have — if we have a minute here, I wan na talk about gallbladder flushes real quick, because I know a lot of people do those and they read about them like drinking like a cup of olive oil at the end of a fast and I just, I get asked about that and I just think it sounds crazy.
Investigative health journalist Nicolas Pineault used to think this all sounded like something only crazy people wearing tinfoil hats would say.
loving myself, smiling more often, dance like nobody is watching, accept genuine compliments from others, more travelling, eating better and healthier, being more present in the moment, more offline time, spending more quality time with the people whom I love the most, facing my fears and doing more of what makes my spirit excited no matter how crazy or scary something might sound or look like, taking onto new adventures, schedule my days better in order to have more time to be productive as well as more time for resting.
I am such a huge fun of online shopping but when shopping online you really have to pay attention.Designer jewellery sounds so posh but yeah, some people will save money like crazy to have something expensive.
It sounds crazy, but I think that within twenty years, people like me will not be in the minority.
While this may sound like a crazy talk, centuries ago people didn't know about radio waves, and cell phone communication would seem like witchery.
As crazy as it might sound, sometimes people like to go on dates and meet new people without.
This is just me making up connections where none exist, of course, but I still like to think that if there were some crazy intertextuality going on, the sinister - sounding voice that intones here about totally - not - at - all - evil reasons for testing dangerous rollercoasters on live human subjects will one day, after the robot apocalypse, be putting people through much more rigourous testing, perhaps while wearing orange jumpsuits.
The Lobster sounds f*cking CRAZY and stars a bunch of people I like and is made by a filmmaker who previously made one of the most disturbing and lingering movies I've EVER SEEN.
This leak sounds so much like someone just wanted to post their own crazy rumor and have people believe it.
Much of Perry Baird's narrative while hospitalized sound like anything but a crazy person, yet the reappearing sense of grandeur and need to work around the clock, interspersed with times of crippling sadness and depression spoke volumes.
The idea of stealing another writer's words or trying to discredit them or falsifying reviews or trying to have people write fake reviews of my work sounds crazy to me, but I am guilty of highlighting the parts of the PW review that I liked most about my most recent book; it was a mixed review bc the reviewer thought the novel had too many coincidences / was too neatly wrapped up at the end, but that's one of my signatures, I think, now that I've written three books, two published, and one in the works, so I'm actually proud of the strange kismet, sometimes magical occurrences that happen in my work because they also happen in my life, and that's what this whole post is about: about being true to oneself, which includes a moral code, a writers and human code of ethics.
Some people like the safety net of a salary and working for «The Man» (sounds a little crazy).
It may sound crazy, but people like you do it every day!
Solo travel may sound like a crazy concept to some people.
While it sounds a lot like Prototype, InFamous did its own thing with a sandbox - style game involving a character with crazy electrical superpowers that let him shock people, heal people, and even fly.
I thought I was crazy when I first heard what sounded like the «Ring» sound effect from Sonic the Hedgehog at a local gas station months ago, but now that there's a Digital Press thread full of people with the same experiences, I no longer need to check myself into an asylum!
The description I gave may make it sound chaotic, but it doesn't take much time at all before you are racing around the battlefield like a crazy person
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