Sentences with phrase «sound of one's breathing»

The constant flow of new ideas and the desire to make baby's life incredible might just distract mom from the precious smell of a newborn or the soft sounds of his breathing.
She hears only the wheezy sounds of him breathing in and out.
At the top of Smack Mellon's stairs, a rusted metal wall stands with speakers embedded in its base that project the eerie disembodied sound of breathing.
«Yaaaaah» (the sound of breathing), Moses is told.
I was conscious of nothing but the elephants and the sound of my breathing.
Baby learns he can count on you to be there as he adjusts to life outside the womb, he explains, and is comforted by the sounds of your breathing.
Cuddling with him in the night, listening to the sound of him breathing, watching his eyelids flutter as he dreamed, — these were all ways that I could cherish his babyhood.
As you take in the grandeur — or snake your way through — only the sound of your breathing reminds you that you are out of your element.
«I'll never forget the sound of their breathing,» Emadi says.
Try to bring your mind back to the present throughout the day by noticing the air on your face, the sensation of your clothing against your skin, the weight of your body in the chair, or the sound of your breathing.
Notice the sounds that you hear: The words people are saying to you, the sounds around you, the sound of your breathing, the hum of the engine of the car you are driving, etc..
According to the American Yoga Association, concentrating on the sound of your breathing as you steadily inhale and exhale will help you to switch your focus from the things that are stressing you to feeling of relaxation as you flush your body with fresh oxygen.
The artists talk about using sound design and music to sculpt the three different battle sequences which comprise the film's second half, the challenges of using period accurate weaponry, and how the sound of breathing can take you inside the main character's experience.
But just as the audience started to audibly wonder if there was something wrong, the sound of breathing becomes noticeable.
Cynthia Fuchs: Katell Quillévéré's Heal the Living opens with the sound of breathing.
The artists talk about using sound design and music to sculpt the three different battle sequences that comprise the film's second half, the challenges of using period - accurate weaponry, and how the sound of breathing can take you inside the main character's experience.
Cubby and Icara could sit together in the playground or on the bus or in the library not saying much for hours, just a lovely rhythmic silence, like the sound of breathing when you're asleep.
For new puppy owners, passive bonding is taking place when your pup sleeps in his crate in the room with you (the sound of your breathing is comforting to him) as opposed to being crated in another room.
With only the sound of breathing, the dogs will take turns biting and holding onto each other.
You will be amazed at the peace you experience in what Jacques Cousteau described as «The Silent World», where the sound of your breathing and bubbles takes you away from the incessant «chatter and noise» above the surface of the water.
Run in the quiet of the canyon, the sound of the river flowing below you and the wind whistling past your ear is only muffled by the sound of your breathing and your feet on the ground.
The finest Baja whale watching is combined with hiking sand dunes, combing beaches, building castles, watching birds, spotting dolphins on the ocean, or relaxing to the sounds of breathing whales offshore.
She'll hover so closely over you that you can hear the sound of her breathing.
The piece reveals Richards» background as a percussionist, as it segues with fine judgment of pace and impact through its spine - tingling sequence: from the relentless chant of a football crowd to the sound of breathing; the hypnotic verbal instruction «gentle»; the smash of glass breaking; children's playground chatter.
Sounds of breathing, emitted from a hidden tape player, created the impression that the pair were simply asleep.
She does cut all her E's and O's from Ebony, but then those are vowels, like the sound of breathing with words still unheard.
Gelatin silver prints, sounds of breathing and crickets, lamp with hand cut shade, fake fur, found furniture
That is the sound of me breathing.
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