Sentences with phrase «sound of the clicker»

You train your cat that the sound of the clicker means a treat is coming.
Whether you use the sound of a clicker, a squeaky toy, the rattle of treats in a can, or simply calling their name, any noise followed by a reward can usually be used to train a ferret.
Some people are able to use the clickers to train the dog to sit and stay at just a sound of the clicker.
A sharp noise from you and the sound of the clicker can stop them mid-track.
Typical bridge markers can be olfactory (a unique scent such as a new air freshener that can be sprayed at the outset of each training session), auditory (e.g. the sound of a clicker) or visual (a certain light used only during training).
The sound of the clicker is more consistent and is more reliably reproduced than using the human voice to say «good dog», «way to go», or even «nice boy».
Another option, of course, is to desensitize the cat to the sound of the clicker.
Initially the sound of the clicker is meaningless to your dog.
The secondary reinforcer is the sound of the clicker or another unique sound.
This way, the Dobe will learn to associate the sound of the clicker with good behavior.
Your dog will soon associate the sound of the clicker with the treat, making it easier for you to associate the clicker with other commands such as sit, stay and down.
Do this for a couple of days until your dog really understands that the sound of the clicker means he will get something, either a treat or praise.
Some dogs are startled by the sound of the clicker.
Try to do this exercise several times a week and watch for the time when the cat associates the sound of the clicker with getting a treat.
It won't take long for your pup to figure out that the sound of the clicker is a wonderful thing, because it always predicts that a treat is coming.
The sound of the clicker tells the animal that whatever it was doing at the exact moment it heard the clicker has earned it a treat — usually a food item (sometimes praise or petting).
I think all dogs should be acclimated to the sound of a clicker because it is such a small and benign sound in the grand scheme of things.
If you have properly loaded the clicker, the sound of the clicker will serve as a reward for the dog.
This step takes place before any dog obedience training begins, and it serves the purpose of associating the sound of the clicker with something good.
By then, the dog will have come to understand the sound of the clicker means he has done something good, and you can begin training your dog with the clicker.
Using treats to reinforce your cat's behavior is a great way to make clicker training more effective, since your cat will also associate the sound of the clicker with a treat reward.
The first step is to get your cat used to the sound of the clicker.
Perhaps the easiest command to teach your cat is to «come» at the sound of the clicker — wherever he is, he'll come out of hiding to retrieve the treat.
The lack of ambient noise will help your cat to focus on the sound of the clicker.
The next step is to start by reinforcing the behavior or action that you want your cat to associate with both the sound of the clicker, and a treat reward.
The goal of clicker training is to teach your cat to associate the behavioral methods you are teaching with the sound of the clicker.
This may seem too simple to be of much use, but what you are doing here is causing your bird to associate the sound of the clicker with getting a treat, which is the absolute cornerstone of clicker training.
He begins by helping the dog make the connection between the behavior, the sound of the clicker, and the appearance of a treat.
For dolphins, the sound of the clicker meant «I get a fish.»
To achieve this, it's necessary to go through a period of conditioning your bird to respond to the sound of the clicker.
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