Sentences with phrase «sound public education campaign»

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The state Legislature adopted it one year after a 2006 ruling in a lawsuit brought by the Campaign for Fiscal Equity that ordered New York to provide enough funding to schools to ensure a «sound, basic education» for all public school children.
Several groups, led by the Campaign for Fiscal Equity (CFE), a nonprofit legal advocacy organization, filed suit in 1993 claiming that New York State was depriving New York City public school students of their constitutional rights to a «sound basic education,» a standard that had been prescribed in 1982 by the state's highest court (in New York, the Court of Appeals).
As the recent decision in Campaign for Fiscal Equity v. State of New York shows, even state constitutional guarantees of «a sound basic education» may mean no more than a «minimally adequate» education that enables a person only to hold some job, and to not «be a charge on the public fisc.»
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