Sentences with phrase «sounded kinda»

It always sounded kinda like BS and after looking at the data and analysis, even yours, I'm pretty convinced it is.
the response sounded kinda defensive.
I mean sounded kinda weird but I'll let you know maybe on one of my solo nights.
I «edited» someone else quote;) it sounded kinda bad and that's not my intention....
Initially, reason # 2 sounded kinda gross to me, but I'm willing to try almost anything once, so I gave this salad a go.
At first it sounds kinda of ridiculous, but if you hear Dutch architect Hedwig Heinsman explain it, it starts to sound kinda cool.
Gosh, Christianity sounds kinda Marxist when you come right down to it.
sounds kinda parallel to me!
Blueberries?!?!? For a BBQ sauce?!?!?! Sounds kinda strange but I like it, I may just have to go to my local farmers market this weekend and pick me up some blueberries so I cantry this thingy out.
Sounds kinda strange to add curry to this, but when it comes together in one creamy bite, you'll understand why this casserole has been around so long.
I included the bay leaf, but it sounds kinda strange.
The combination of avocado, red onion, tomato, jalapeño, cilantro, spinach and vegan cream cheese may sound kinda funky, but I SWEAR it tastes amazing.
it sounds kinda weird... but tastes ahhhh - mazing!!
Yes it does sound kinda weird.
I was never into these things, but I can perfectly understand also that people miss old flavours... And wow, that paprykarz sounds kinda awefull
She suggested that if you're doing strict paleo you can substitute sunbutter which sounds kinda interesting also.
My favorite popcorn sounds kinda crazy but its amazing: Melt about a tablespoon of Earth Balance vegan butter and sprinkle in about half a teaspoon of dehydrated mushroom powder and swirl it around (then pour it on the popcorn).
He is one of our best players this year (even if sounds kinda pathetic), and also for the English nat.
It sounds kinda sarcastic to say «Hey, that could have been worse» after a 4 - 1 defeat, Roma's biggest this season.
It sounds kinda funny, but the olive oil helps so the meconium poop does not stick to your baby's booty.
She doesn't tickle, that's sounds kinda weird to me but she does try to scratch her 9 yr old brothers face off, loves to play with daddy's teeth, and gives mommy lots of kisses.
I'd like to say «and they lived happily ever after (even with all of life's challenges, little and big)», but that just sounds kinda corny.
There's also a condition called «pump bumps,» which sounds kinda cute but is actually pretty painful (basically, a bony growth that forms over the back of the heel).
Collagen is popping up as another popular ingredient, and while it sounds kinda gross, its benefits to these Saturn / Capricorn - ruled areas make it worth a try!
It sounds kinda silly, doesn't it?
(I know that sounds kinda sad, but I swear it's a good thing!)
Yeh, that sounds kinda gross, but there's a HUGE lesson to be learned here.
Because it just sounds kinda weird, right?
We spend the morning cracking jokes, and going around the table to share what we appreciate the most about our group of friends — which may sound kinda sappy, but it's always the best part.
It sounds kinda like me, right?
I know it sounds kinda queasy but wearing a hat makes your hair greasy (rhimes:) any hints!
The feature goes on to list the distinguishing characteristics of this «basic» woman: she wears Essie Ballet Slippers nail polish, rocks sausage curls and smells like vanilla - cupcake body milk (wait, that last part actually sounds kinda good).
(also an emptied out pool sounds kinda really fun).
I'm a funny loving, intro - extraverted (yea, sounds kinda complicated) person, very intelligent with a sharp wit... i thrive on really good conversation, a dinner and the movie is good entertainment for me... love nature, lo..
While this sounds kinda shady — lying and healthy relationships don't exactly go hand in hand, right?
Hi everyone my name is Selena, and I'm a little different, though if I had to describe my personality it would be shy, thought full, intelligent not academically per say but my common sense seems to be higher than most peoples I meet, sounds kinda bad to say it like that I know, but because of...
Sound kinda stupid?
Game Informer's cover subject is the co - operative / competitive shooter, which sounds kinda like, yep, something from Left 4 Dead, for which Turtle Rock Studios is best known.
«Super Mario HD World» sounds kinda like some sort of remake to me.
Hang on, that sounds kinda familiar...
Sounds kinda depressing, but then again, it is Ingmar Bergman.
It creates interest and a feeling of challenge so that even the most reluctant student thinks, «Hmmm, I guess that sounds kinda cool.»
So I was driving the other day, right before my engine over heated (I don't think its relevant to the noise or it might be) and my engine started kinda knocking sounds kinda like a clacking noise.
It sounds kinda fun, if you're bored, and could help the company with targeting.
(Sounds kinda creepy.
I know that sounds kinda dirty but I'm being serious.
It never hurts to plan many months ahead and having available funds to spend on the fun stuff this summer sounds kinda great
I think land lording sounds kinda fun.
Yeah, sounds kinda horrifying, but don't forget the CLO risk mitigation & loss protections I've already highlighted.
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