Sentences with phrase «source of glucose»

The main dietary sources of glucose are starches, grains and sugars.
The few carbohydrates that you eat are a sufficient source of glucose for brain health, as the brain can function very efficiently on ketones.
They are also a good source of glucose, the main energy source for the brain.
Both starches and sugars (such as are found in honey, squash, and carrots) are possible sources of glucose.
Still gives plenty of time for body to clear all easy sources of glucose and drop your insulin production to its lowest possible which is what you are after.
This is why even though the body needs glucose, one does not need to eat carbohydrates, the dietary source of glucose, in order to obtain it.
Second, while these simple sugars are a good source of glucose (blood sugar), they don't provide your body with any other nutrition to speak of.
Glutamine is an alternate source of glucose available to the brain, plus it gets there quickly!
Refined carbs are the major source of glucose in the diet.
Glucose needs are slightly reduced by some endogenous sources of glucose, such as from glycerol released from lipolysis of triglycerides or phospholipids.
For instance, the Inuit in Northern America have no available source of glucose in their habitat and base their diet mainly on fatty fish and meat.
If I omit all other sources of glucose (fruit, rice, potatoes etc) do I need to eat 400 cals of brown rice syrup a day ie just over a 1/3 jar?
For example, how does cutting back on sugar and other dietary sources of glucose affect cancer growth?»
«Luckily for them, rice, especially white rice (the favored type across most of Asia; as a Thai friend of mine who grew up there and came to Hollywood in the 60s told me, «rice bran was for the chickens»), is a mostly non-toxic source of glucose.
Those latter sources of glucose substrates separate from amino acids, under adapted carbohydrate and protein restricted conditions, can virtually make up the entirety of precursors for whatever glucose might be necessary.
OF COURSE they do, temporarily, just like HFCS, table sugar, a banana, a piece of whole - wheat bread, popcorn, oatmeal, or any other of the hundreds of ordinary sources of glucose.
That makes zucchini a low - glycemic food that will not spike your blood sugar, but will instead provide a steady source of glucose to your system.
Fruit and raw honey, in particular, are excellently balanced sources of glucose and fructose, providing the liver with building blocks to create glycogen (glucose stores).
Carbohydrates are the main dietary source of glucose and they include rice, potatoes, bread, tortillas, cereal, milk, fruit, and sweets, all carbohydrate - rich foods.
When you add starch or sugar (sources of glucose), your body uses a new mechanism that «co-transports» both sodium and glucose.
This source of glucose is used for energy.
Could you please advise on how much fruit it's ok to eat as a source of glucose if unable to eat starch.
Additionally, look for a product that contains a source of electrolytes and source of glucose.
Now when you run out of dietary sources of glucose (e.g. dietary carbohydrates) and your body runs low on its stores of glucose (e.g. muscle and liver glycogen) you body has to find ways to provide fuel to tissues like the brain.
Ketones displace glucose only when the body has no source of glucose.
So cutting all starches and sources of glucose isn't a great idea.
Owners of diabetic pets need always to have a source of glucose readily available.
This product provides amino acids, the building blocks of protein and glycerin, as a source of glucose for energy.
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