Sentences with phrase «source of one's frustration»

This question, as simplistic as it is, remains a big source of frustration for many online entrepreneurs.
But this seemingly everyday ritual is a constant source of frustration for families.
In fact, this lack of classroom autonomy is now the biggest source of frustration for math teachers nationally.
Things that you once liked about your partner have become sources of frustration, conflict or hurt feelings.
One of the biggest sources of frustration in schools today is the sense that we are at the mercy of factors we teachers can not control.
The lack of a structured program to promote healthy sexuality after sexual addiction has been a major source of frustration for many couples.
Lack of sleep, the increased amount of work, less personal time, and trouble maintaining the home are common sources of frustration for parents of multiple infants.
And a lack of appreciation for the basics is a huge source of frustration later on when things aren't clicking.
However, when done for a grade, many students find creative custom writing to be anything but fun, and consider it to be more like an endless source of frustration.
The rising cost of health care has been a great source of frustration for small - business owners nationwide.
The lack of specific policies on education from the opposition is a growing source of frustration among party supporters in the sector and the population more widely.
My main source of frustration though comes from the game freezing on me upon a game over.
Online dating has become a tremendous source of frustration and failure for them.
The lack of manageable standards has been a continuing source of frustration for education reform litigants.
However, if the wait is too short they might barely get to play the mini game at all, which can be its own source of frustration, so watch out for that.
This adorable little puzzle platformer has been a massive source of frustration since I started playing.
My main source of frustration comes from trying to craft the items that I need to progress.
One source of frustration amongst respondents lies in the staffing and administrative support of those teams.
Treatment of dog allergies is a complicated source of frustration for both you and your dog.
We've seen that one of the key sources of frustration is dealing with the insurance companies.
This is a major and a constant source of frustration for indie authors.
My biggest source of frustration in my own career came about ten years ago, when I'd been laid off because the company I was working for wasn't doing well financially.
It can be a huge source of frustration, especially for mothers of multiples, who not only have more to lose but are also coping with the challenges of raising twins or more.
A major source of frustration for new parents is when their children repeatedly drop toys off the side of the high chair or table in a restaurant.
This has been a common source of frustration to pet owners through the years.
Reason for despair: In my work across different domains and disciplines, one of the biggest sources of frustration for me has been the dismal state of K - 12 education.
All these elements combine to make PC ports a constant source of frustration for dedicated players.
The new fund also represents a way for Blackstone to tackle an ongoing source of frustration for some private equity firms.
Forza's Drivatar system, while ambitious, can be a real source of frustration, especially on tight track.
The most recent sources of this frustration are Google and Facebook's 2016 diversity reports.
Martin Gruenberg, the final Democrat among top US bank watchdogs, is a growing source of frustration to Wall Street, as the last man standing in the way of a deregulatory wave.
«You can appreciate, then, that as our summer upgrade projects wind down, it continues to be an extreme source of frustration to watch over $ 4 million in funds that the public invested in public education make their way to the private sector.»
This has been a particular source of frustration for Dundee, for Wolves submitted a # 150,000 bid, which was rejected by the SFL due to the transfer embargo currently in place.
Was this a case of a manager explicitly offering a player, whose inconsistency has been such an acute source of frustration, the chance to play his way into the starting XI at Wembley, or perhaps out of it?
«Another clear source of frustration for Glover was an accusation that her office was not transparent.»
Perhaps the most commonly cited sources of frustration are, first, teachers» contracts and, second, state and federal policies that tie the principals» hands when it comes to teacher assignment, compensation, hiring, professional development, instructional time, and much else.
It's insulting, frankly, and while it may be a standard thing among the big sites to smaller outlets like myself it's a never - ending source of frustration, although it has to be said that if a smaller site was offered a huge exclusive they'd probably take it without hesitation.
It's also an unending source of frustration, because sometimes you can't dodge because you're too busy prancing around with your knives and other times simply touching an enemy's weapon will register as a hit, not to mention that enemies tend to gang up on you and there are no crowd control abilities.
Although you can map out a room by jumping around, some of the areas are completely unreachable, so if you like complete maps of areas this will be a consistent source of frustration for you.
Melee, believe it or not, is a great source of frustration if you are on the receiving end of it.
Later stages are so long that not investing in checkpoints can become a genuine source of frustration.
«The decision to lock the camera to a single player in Spelunky co-op is a continual source of frustration.
Bixby's not the only source of frustration for me with the IconX.
Delinquency among Chinese adolescents: Modeling sources of frustration and gender differences.
It's been an endless source of frustration for me that I can't have everything I want LOL, including saving aggressively for retirement, the nice house, and being able to travel.
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