Sentences with phrase «source of the quote»

They are one of the leading sources of quotes for most independent insurance companies.
The full Breastfeeding in the 21st century: epidemiology, mechanisms, and lifelong effect paper is free to access if you want to read the original source of the quotes contained in this post.
I corrected the chapter and verse of a Biblical quotation, I researched and found the original source of a quote, and I called up the students for necessary citations.
Source of Quote: Meredith Macleod, «Dragons» Den host speaks at Salute to Small Business event», The Hamilton Spectator
If you can incorrectly identify the source of the quote, that's just icing.
Like I said, I am not going to attempt to take away or deny your reasoning... even though now I know that the source of your quote came from the Palestinian Authority....
The Page One story quoted an anonymous student bookie — Sheerin told SI he was the source of the quote — as saying that a New York bookie beat him with a two - by - four because he owed the man $ 4,000.
Considering that the source of the quote, Le Parisien, is a reliable media outlet in France, the story certainly has it's credibility.
Could you please give the source of your quotes for two reasons, firstly so that myself and others can read them and make our own judgements.
Where is the source of the quote?
I haven't been able to find the source of the quote — but it is so true!
An appended bibliography and notes identifying the sources of all quoted material enhance this title's curricular appeal.
As a bonus, a truly literary - minded reader can seek out the source of a quote, find the context or discover a favorite new author.
For instance, use GoodReads instead of Amazon for bragging about the number of your reviews, or a publication or even an Amazon review for the source of a quote.
Give credit to the source of a quote with the em dash, as in the following (this time with the space).
At first, I kept saying, «tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...» (who can guess the source of that quote?).
Here's the source of the quote, on the website «The Green Agenda».
But when I went back to the source of the quote I found it to be one of your list of 15 reasons not to release data.
In the example below, I've just wrapped the shortcode in a
and allowed the user to add the pullquote's content, and, optionally, the source of the quote and what side of the content the pullquote will be aligned to.
Amusingly, Ronald Dworkin has a scathing response to a Lord Sumption review and it is worth quoting in full from Ronald Dworkin's Justice for hedgehogs blog — the source of the quote:
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