Sentences with phrase «source of the windfall»

Ferri suggests readers consider the source of the windfall (a pension payout is treated differently from a lottery win) and the size of the lump sum relative to your existing portfolio.
Water is essential for life, but increasingly, it is viewed as a source of windfall profits.

Not exact matches

One accountant made clear to CBS that there's no way to identify the exact sources of Trump's financial windfall in 2005 from the two - page Form 1040 because it doesn't reveal a breakdown of his income, just the total.
If you received a windfall from any of those sources last year, you'll have to settle up with the IRS now.
Unsurprisingly, as another source of cash, school officials also made it clear they are eyeing the unprecedented $ 5.1 billion windfall the state has collected from major New York - based banks that have admitted to engaging in illegal foreign transactions.
The rest of the $ 5.4 billion windfall, won from bank settlements, will be distributed along the lines that a Cuomo administration source outlined late Monday.
NSF, whose stimulus windfall equals about half the agency's annual appropriation, will also direct much of it to approved but as - yet - unfunded grants, sources say.
If having debt going into retirement is a source of stress, it may be that even a spectacular return on the invested windfall may still leave you feeling disappointed financially.
Building this balance may involve setting aside money in a dedicated savings account over a long period of time; selling items that you no longer need, or using a windfall from an employment bonus, tax refund, inheritance, or other source.
Resumption of the rosewood trade could be a windfall for traders — rosewood is one of the few sources of foreign exchange at the moment in Madagascar, where banks — especially in the north — are reported to be having difficulty facilitating large cash transactions.
Since all farm - outs generally require formal approval by the designated host state authority, Hesse says that host states «will want to make sure that the transaction complies with its regulatory and fiscal regime in all respects», making them «a source of disputes where the return from the farm - out is treated as capital gains or windfall profits by the host state».
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