Sentences with phrase «source of work»

This may continue to be a regular and reliable source of work for lawyers, but how can such confusion — and hence disagreement and dispute — reflect well on the industry?
Since then, some leading issuers have returned to the market, but small business cards are now marketed less as sources of working capital, and more as payment vehicles.
Divorce and bankruptcy leads can be exactly what you are looking for in terms of new sources of work.
Small engineering employers may not run formal schemes but can still be a good source of work experience.
Yet all too often, these projects are conducted in isolation, so those who have developed important skills are left to find other sources of work once they come to a close.
A chronological resume might be best if your internships show progression and growth when combined with other sources of work experience.
Let's talk about the common sources sources of work stress, the signs and symptoms, and how to manage stress at work!
One litigator described the risk of stepping out of the shadow of a senior mentor and steady source of work in order to make a name for himself alone.
The film is a great source of work for the stunt performers of the time.
It has also given me an opportunity to find new mentors, new sources of work, and new friends and allies within the firm.
Large companies usually have access to reliable sources of working capital to get them through periods when meeting a client's needs exceeds account receivable payments.
Santiago Calatrava: When I was starting out, for many years, the main source of work for me was through competitions, particularly in Europe.
When a situation comes where you need a reliable source of working capital or when the cash flow doesn't come as planned then you would simply be able to apply for a cash advance which can then be closed with flexible repayment options and loan terms.
This study aimed to identify sources of work stressors among registered nurses and examine the interrelationships among stress, positive affectivity, and work engagement.
Here may be the new source of working energy of which our country is in such grave need.»
Instead, at best I'll probably go back to my usual beloved source of work procrastination: FTL.
Media and sources of these works range from Ibiza flyers, cell phone photography and emulations of earlier works by the artist.
David deals with the figure as the central source of his work.
Word of mouth marketing, the leading source of work for the best lawyers, now occurs on the Internet.
He says that while he liked the work he did at Hunter Litigation Chambers, last year, his largest source of work was from Osler, and he «enjoyed the kind of work» the firm was asking him to do.
A firm's lawyer management must educate partners about the needs for capital in law firms, including alternate sources of working capital to address firm cash flow shortfalls.
«M&A transactions are a vital source of work for law firms, both in themselves and because they generate a significant amount of workflow across a range of other practice areas.
In the main these have now worked their way through the system but matters such as covenants, rights of way, dilapidations, and easements including rights to light help provide a reasonably continuous source of work combined with boundary and development disputes.
As a trusted partner to companies and a trusted source of work opportunities, Venesky - Brown has established itself as a market leader and a benchmark... more
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of a brief new questionnaire for assessing sources of work - related psychosocial stress.
Research has documented many sources of work related stress for family child care providers; however, research examining family child care providers» experiences outside of the lens of quality of care and child outcomes is dated and scant.
Drawing artist's books and archival material together with a rare work in video, the exhibition maps the indeterminate and the potential as sources of the work's ongoing significance.
Over time, these «non-business» connections may become your best source of work, because they will be built around what you genuinely enjoy, and when you are enjoying yourself, you naturally present your best face to the world.
A 1983 booklet taken almost at random from my shelves claims: «The Marxist idea that the production of physical goods, is, or should be, the main source of work or wealth is as transitory as the idea that the ownership of land or hunting rights should be.»
Hollywood and the mechanics of film fantasy are a primary source of his work.
The Mechanical Turk, which was founded in 2005, has become such an important source of work and labour that it has begun to spawn an ecosystem of intermediaries such as Crowdflower that can manage crowd labour activities such as writing labels for images or categorising recipes for a cooking website.
«Unless they create other sources of work,» Mario, a farmer in Guerrero, told the LA Times, «I don't think that poppies will ever disappear here.»
If your current pipeline of work is not filling your plate, you probably need to identify new sources of work, and that means identifying additional partners and senior associates who are doing work that interests you.
For decades, credit cards have provided (for good or bad) a source of working capital for households and entrepreneurs.
«Nuff said on that subject; but please do give some consideration to the possibility of infused Grace, a Divine Presence that is closer to us than our own heartbeat and is the Source of works of great compassion and self - sacrificial justice.
These brokers worked on a percentage of the sale, but also provided credit terms, making them a source of working capital for new startup firms — most of them undercapitalized.
I do my best to cite the sources of any work I do that is not original, and it would be nice if everyone reciprocated those actions.
Another source of a working daughter's stress stems from the fact that eldercare is not a problem that can be solved with money.
True to our roots in North Carolina, we look to the many voices of the South — and beyond — as sources of work and inspiration.
A strategy for how writers and entrepreneurs can approach out - sourcing some of the work they need to do for their own goals and objectives
As a small business owner, you can rely on a dedicated credit line as a source of working capital.
In a kaleidoscopic movement of acoustic universes, visual projections, props and instruments brought to life by Joan Jonas, the performance retraces the source of the work — Under the Glacier (1968), by the writer Halldór Laxness — which narrates tales of glaciers and miraculous aspects of the natural world.
Its significance speaks as much to the source of the work as object as the artist's personal history.
Her insistence that the source of her work resides in the psychological wounds inflicted on her by her father contravenes any formal theories of art and yet embodies the Oedipal crisis that psycholinguistic theory interprets as the entrance of human beings into the symbolic order of the Father.
Which were the main sources of your work?
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