Sentences with phrase «sources of trace elements»

HPS is highly mineralized, making it one of the best sources of trace elements.
Raisins are an excellent source of a trace element known as boron, which plays a critical role in bone health.

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Like many plant - derived foods, chocolate is a notable source of numerous trace elements, vitamins and other nutrients, including:
Milk powders and milk products are important sources of major minerals - particularly calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium and trace elements such as zinc.
Sea spaghetti contains a healthy balance of vitamins, minerals and trace elements and is a good source of calcium and magnesium.
Farm - derived renewable resources usually compensate crop export of nutrients but it is sometimes necessary to supplement organic soils with potassium, phosphate, calcium, magnesium and trace elements from external sources.
Karengo is extremely nutritious and is an excellent source of many valuable minerals and trace elements, vegetarian protein, vitamins A and B12, and essentials amino acids.
Also this year, an ambitious analysis made an almost - global assessment of sources of selenium, a trace element crucial for health, and warned of regions where climate change might cut the element's availability (SN: 4/1/17, p. 14).
The method also shows promise for tracking water from source to destination, which could be valuable for government agencies that want to understand how aquifers are linked or want to trace the flow of elements like pollutants in a water supply, he said.
In this scrub you're nourishing your skin with all of the minerals and trace elements of the salt (source).
Eggplants are an excellent source of copper, an essential trace element for healthy bones.
Sea salt (Hawaiian, Celtic, Kelp) on the other hand is produced through evaporation of seawater, usually with little processing, which leaves behind over 80 trace minerals and elements depending on its water source.
They're a great source of minerals and trace elements, and help remove toxins from...
Green vegetables are important sources of potent phytochemicals that can have a major impact on your health; they are an excellent choice for those with a yeast infection looking for an instant way of gaining many valuable minerals, trace elements and many other important plant based chemicals not stored in your body.
Containing 14 essential trace elements such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, and being a great source of fibre, carbohydrates.
Did you know that sauerkraut isn't just loaded with beneficial bacteria, it is also a really good source of fiber, and it contains a wealth of vitamins like C as well as K, minerals like iron, as well as potassium as well as trace elements like zinc.
Instead of powder you can have 20 tablets (500 mg each) of chlorella or spirulina every day about 30 minutes before breakfast as they are excellent sources of chlorophyll, iron, iodine, EPA and DHA omega - 3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and trace elements that are often missing in commercially grown foods.
For a carnivore, like your dog, this means a diet that is based on meat (around 70 percent meat, and 30 percent carbohydrate, vegetable matter, fibre, and natural sources of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and antioxidants).
Such «complete» vitamin - mineral supplements may be preferable to conventional supplements in which only purified metal salts are used as the sources of minerals and trace elements.
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