Sentences with phrase «space after paragraph»

Add a line space after each paragraph.
Leave a line space after each paragraph, and between each different section.
Space between paragraphs is controlled with the space before paragraph and space after paragraph options — not with multiple returns.
Most authors use 10 - point spacing after a paragraph.

Not exact matches

For instance, doing the regular indent as specified by the world processor of choice or a style sheet half indent (which sometimes looks better on Kindle formats) and adjusting the paragraph spacing to a sub-6pt «after» space can be very sexy, especially with a half indent.
If you had added spacing after in your paragraph dialog box for the Heading, you do not need to have more than one line return between the chapter title / number and the first line of your first paragraph.
Using indented paragraphs after the subheadings created a jumbled, disorganized look, so I tried no indents with about a half line space between paragraphs.
Instead, change your spacing by going back to the Paragraph box you used to set indents and changing enter a value in the «After» box of spacing.
Two quick questions: if I understood correctly, paragraphs after section breaks (space alone or with diamond - like motif) should start without indentation but with small caps of first 4 words?
The most troubling thing about this rejection is the extra space after the period in that first paragraph.
If necessary use the «Space before» and «Space after» property to add white space between paragraphs or before headSpace before» and «Space after» property to add white space between paragraphs or before headSpace after» property to add white space between paragraphs or before headspace between paragraphs or before headings.
You can stipulate this spacing in the paragraph formatting dialog in Word under «Spacing after.spacing in the paragraph formatting dialog in Word under «Spacing after.Spacing after
Instead, modify your paragraph style to add a 6 pt trailing «after» space following each the paragraph (see Paragraph Style in a latparagraph style to add a 6 pt trailing «after» space following each the paragraph (see Paragraph Style in a latparagraph (see Paragraph Style in a latParagraph Style in a later post).
I mentioned in a previous article to use InDesign's Space Before and / or Space After controls in your paragraph styles to add space between paragrSpace Before and / or Space After controls in your paragraph styles to add space between paragrSpace After controls in your paragraph styles to add space between paragrspace between paragraphs.
This means that there is not extra spacing between paragraphs, and all paragraphs — except for the first paragraph in a chapter and the first paragraph after a scene break — are indented.
This paragraph just has one space after the period.
Another problem with spacing is to ensure there are no spaces before periods, commas, semi-colons, and exclamation points and one space after — unless the period or exclamation point is at the end of paragraph.
That means no spacing between paragraphs and indentations on all paragraphs except the first paragraph after each chapter or scene break.
Why no spaces after the end of the paragraph?
When using InDesign, it's very easy to adjust the spacing before or after your words in the Indents and Spacing tab in your Paragraph Style Options dialogspacing before or after your words in the Indents and Spacing tab in your Paragraph Style Options dialogSpacing tab in your Paragraph Style Options dialogue box.
Plus, paragraph formatting options such as alignment and margins and table formatting options such as space before and space after are also maintained.
For paragraph formats, the plug - in supports most of what we need: Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Left indent, First line indent, Right indent, Space before (above), Space after (below), the four alignments [left, right, center, and justify left], the page break character, and white space characters (though they only mention non-breaking spaSpace before (above), Space after (below), the four alignments [left, right, center, and justify left], the page break character, and white space characters (though they only mention non-breaking spaSpace after (below), the four alignments [left, right, center, and justify left], the page break character, and white space characters (though they only mention non-breaking spaspace characters (though they only mention non-breaking spaces).
After you have analyzed all the contrast essay subjects you wanted to it is the high time to make a summery and to compare them within the space of one paragraph.
For example, to center an image and create some space above and below it in the EPUB file, you center - align the paragraph and apply space before and after it.
Instead, use styles to add spacing before and after paragraph styles, especially headings and blockquotes.
To create the separation between the paragraphs, the best method is to define «after» spacing inside your paragraph style.
The small works we framed right to the edge because the edge of each collage is a thoughtful decision about space; and yet there is so much going on that to verbally describe one 8.5 x 11 drawing would take paragraph after paragraph.
CTRL+Q — This removes all paragraph - level formatting — weird indents, line spacing, extra spacing before and after the paragraphs, etc..
Define Spacing After: You can do the same thing as above, but the space will occur after each paragAfter: You can do the same thing as above, but the space will occur after each paragafter each paragraph.
To adjust before / after paragraph spacing, click on the Format button on the bottom and choose Paragraph to get this diparagraph spacing, click on the Format button on the bottom and choose Paragraph to get this diParagraph to get this dialog box:
Make the changes to the Normal style as noted above (switch to single - spacing and zero out before / after paragraph spacing), then do File Save As and make sure it's saving it into the location where it came from.
Go ahead and type out at least part of your first numbered paragraph, then go to the Page Layout tab and adjust the value of Spacing After in the Paragraphparagraph, then go to the Page Layout tab and adjust the value of Spacing After in the ParagraphParagraph section.
To put it in simpler terms, if you hit the Return key (which marks the end of a «paragraph» in Word), even if your line spacing is set at 1.0, the before / after paragraph spacing may make your text look as if it is double - spaced:
The right way is to use the paragraph settings to set the «before and after» spacing.
That's assuming, of course, that you have used the «before and after» setting to create paragraph spacing.
Leave Plenty of White Space Don't forget to leave space below your greeting, between each paragraph, and after your cloSpace Don't forget to leave space below your greeting, between each paragraph, and after your clospace below your greeting, between each paragraph, and after your closing.
Also include a space between your greeting, between each paragraph, and after your closing.
Use single - spaced lines with an added space between each paragraph, after the salutation, and above the closing.
➨ PLEASE DO CONTACT ME IF YOU NEED HELP: ▸ Having problems with the templates ▸ Formatting e.g. alignment, paragraph spacing, design, font style, layout etc. ▸ Changing the icons, resizing and colour ▸ Printing or saving the resume to PDF file without borders after the resume is complete ▸ Any questions related to the resume, cover letter or references templates
Two spaces below the subject line, type Dear [addressee's name -LSB-: and begin your introductory paragraph two spaces after the opening salutation.
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