Sentences with phrase «space between galaxies»

Instead, there's a far simpler explanation: The motion of galaxies is due to the stretching of space between those galaxies.
According to theory, the bulk of the matter in the universe consists of large, dark filaments of gas in the vast empty space between galaxy clusters.
Partially dimmed x-rays (dips in graph) from a flaring blazar (right) reveal two filaments of hot, diffuse matter in the vast spaces between galaxies.
After a half - century - long hunt, astronomers think they have finally detected rogue star clusters that roam the vast dark spaces between galaxies.
Presumably, most of an FRB's dispersion comes from interactions with the tenuous plasma of the intergalactic medium, a vast cosmic web that stretches through the mostly empty space between galaxies.
Computer simulations of cosmic reionization suggest the Universe was fully opaque to Lyman - alpha radiation in the first 400 million years of cosmic history and then gradually, as the first galaxies were born, the intense ultraviolet radiation from their young stars, burned off this obscuring hydrogen in bubbles of increasing radius which, eventually, overlapped so the entire space between galaxies became «ionized», that is composed of free electrons and protons.
The discovery suggests that many such previously undetected stars permeate what had been thought to be dark spaces between galaxies, forming an interconnected sea of stars.
The IGM (the vast space between galaxies) contains about 10 — 100 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter.
A pair of papers report some of the best signs yet of hot gas in the spaces between galaxy clusters, possibly enough to represent the half of all ordinary matter previously unaccounted for.
[5] How the space between galaxies — the intergalactic medium — becomes enriched with heavy elements is still an open issue, but outflow stars could provide an answer.
«When more - powerful detectors provide us with more observations,» Mészáros said, «we also will be able to use Fast Radio Bursts as a probe of their host galaxies, of the space between galaxies, of the cosmic - web structure of the universe, and as a test of fundamental physics.»
The result provides a measure of the magnetism in the space between galaxies, an essential step in determining how cosmic magnetic fields are produced.
The mass of galaxy clusters inferred from lensing studies is about 10 times as great as that of all their stars combined with the hot X-ray-emitting gas that fills the space between the galaxies.
Intergalactic space (the space between galaxies) is filled with a tenuous gas of an average density less than one atom per cubic metre.
THE discovery of powerful galactic «winds», blowing outwards from distant galaxies, could solve a mystery which has long baffled astronomers: why elements heavier than helium are found in the space between galaxies.
Here one should not think of the galaxies as moving through space, but rather that the space between the galaxies is expanding.
Some galaxies drive galactic winds, expelling dust and gas at hundreds of kilometers per second into the intergalactic medium, the space between galaxies.
They focused on the hot, 10 - million - degree gas that fills the spaces between galaxies and found the spectroscopic signature of iron reaching all the way to the cluster's edges.
Although this is a frequently detected signature in galaxies close to Earth, the detection of Lyman - alpha emission at such a great distance is unexpected as it is easily absorbed by the numerous hydrogen atoms thought to pervade the space between galaxies at the dawn of the Universe.
Dark matter filaments bridge the space between galaxies in this false colour map.
«However, as we penetrate deeper into the Universe, and hence back to earlier times, the space between galaxies contains an increasing number of dark clouds of hydrogen which absorb this signal.»
The intergalactic medium — the space between galaxies and clusters of galaxies — is not entirely empty.
The space between galaxies is a cold and dark place filled only with a filamentous haze of hydrogen atoms left over from the Big Bang.
This effort remains a critical mission of Hubble decades after Lyman Spitzer Jr. proposed searching the space between galaxies for gas.
«However, as we penetrate deeper into the universe, and hence back to earlier times, the space between galaxies contains an increasing number of dark clouds of hydrogen, which absorb this signal.»
The presence of the Lyman - alpha line was unexpected: while it is frequently detected in galaxies closer to Earth, the team thought that EGSY8p7's emission line would have been absorbed when the universe was formed by the hydrogen atoms believed to inhabit the space between galaxies.
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