Sentences with phrase «space between jobs»

Use single spacing throughout each job description and double space between jobs and headings.
If you have an 8 - point space in between jobs or sections, make sure that you use 8 points of space between all jobs and sections.
Navigating the career world is tough even in the best of times, let alone when you've got a space between jobs on your resume due to a layoff, getting fired or a mutual parting of ways.

Not exact matches

Theo's job became moving the defenders from side to side to try and help make space for other players and to open up gaps between the defenders, not behind them.
Your job for the next ten years or so is to help your child understand the difference between a real danger (accepting a ride from a stranger) and something that just feels like one (the «witch» in the space between the wall and his bed).
Many young scientists feel split between their Ph.D. obligations — making revisions, cleaning their lab space, or writing those last few papers — and their new job.
It's not without laughs — Poehler and Fey, as ever, have strong chemistry, and there's a truly bizarre scene in which Martin offers Fey a strange «reward» for a job well done — but there's a lot of arid space between them.
If you're updating an existing course and you find content that doesn't have a direct impact, if you can't make a connection between the content and what learners will need back on the job — it probably shouldn't take up space in the course.
Their hooves gripped in Walter's hands, they'd tremble; it was his job to hold their heads and talk to them, rubbing the velvet space between their ears, telling them how their mothers love them and talk about them still, and how Walter will soon be over.
With keys that have a good amount of space between them, predictive text input, and a long space bar in landscape mode, it gets the job done.
A decent job of reskinning the old PlayStation version with new Dreamcast graphics, the game is still dark and moody, with the action well spaced out between the tense situations.
Say you've done a great job avoiding the enemy guns and creating space between yourself and the boss: too bad.
It is the space between one's home and one's job, between one's fantasies and realities.
Between works displayed on cellphones or vintage game consoles, books, flat screens, projections, gifs, slide projects, a custom carpet job, wallpaper, a sculpture here and there, a few items from each artists» clothing line, and a single repeated verse from a generic pop song fading in and out of the exhibition space, I do not feel particularly set - up to pay close attention to anything.
AltLegal describes the emerging space between traditional practice and what were previously referred to as non-practicing or «JD Preferred» jobs.
I'm a typophile — which is very like being a snapper - up of unconsidered trifles, as the Bard once put it, because nothing could be triflingly smaller than a single letterform or, indeed, the space between letters; and as for «unconsidered,» the job of type is to appear and yet to disappear at the same time so that the message comes through as clearly and as beautifully as possible.
The grant is a notable one, demonstrating a kind of convergence between public - sector efforts to boost job growth and the cryptocurrency space.
Then list your references, including name, job title, company, and contact information, with a space in between each reference.
Then list your references, including their name, job title, company, and contact information, with a space in between each reference.
Add space between each of the jobs you have held.
Also, include enough white space between lines to make it easy for managers scanning your resume to pick out keywords, job titles, and relevant information.
If you're not applying for a job in design or visual art, keep your resume simple: 10 - size font, half - inch margins, black ink, white paper, even spacing between lines, well - aligned columns and your name and contact info on each page.
Use double spaces between sections headings and jobs to make them stand out.
• Maintaining a simple 12 pt font that is easy to read • Don't overuse text formatting, not every skill, qualification, or job requires being bolded or italicized • Don't add decorations to your pages, the resume format is functional not for decoration • Maintain clear wide margins on all sides of the page so that it looks clean • Keep clear space between sections rather than trying to cram as much on the paper as you can, clear space draws the eye and shows where information can be found
Essential job duties seen on a Drywall Finisher example resume are sealing the space between drywall panels, repairing existing walls, and helping with the preparation of various types of coating.
Insert white space between your section headings, names of employers, job titles and discussions about your experience.
When you're in a pinch for time, whether you are staging a house for your clients, sprucing up their space or personalizing their new home between closing and move - in date, wouldn't it be great to have painters who could finish the job in one day?
Job creation, which has been rising steadily since 2003 when companies were shedding office jobs, and discipline among developers not to overbuild markets have led to a healthy balance between space absorption and new units coming on line.
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