Sentences with phrase «space crew discovers»

«Life» Release Date: March 24 Director: Daniel Espinosa Starring: Rebecca Ferguson, Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds Synopsis: An international space crew discovers life on Mars.

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It was rocket science, literally, but the poor sap muddled through, eventually dispatching a three - man crew from a space center in Florida riding a rocket made of newly discovered aluminum at a speed of 12,000 yards per second.
Adrift in space for half a century, Ripley grapples with depression until she's informed by her company's representative, Carter Burke (Paul Reiser) that the planet where her crew discovered the alien has since been settled by colonists.
Assume the role of Ava Turing, an engineer for the International Space Agency (ISA) sent to discover the cause behind the disappearance of the ground crew stationed there.
One of the biggest flaws in Swedish director Daniel Espinosa's (Safe House) Life, which follows what happens to the crew of the International Space Station after they discover the first evidence of extraterrestrial beings, is that lead biologist Hugh (Ariyon Bakare) seems to immediately throw all common sense out of the window and get emotionally attached to the thing they've brought on board, despite really REALLY glaring warning signs that the alien is highly intelligent.
Just take a look at the first official trailer for Life, about an International Space Station crew who discover organic extraterrestrial matter on the surface of Mars.
The story follows a crew on the International Space Station after they retrieve a sample from Mars, only to discover signs of life.
Academy Award ® nominee Jake Gyllenhaal (Best Supporting Actor, Brokeback Mountain, 2005), Rebecca Ferguson (Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation) and Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) star as a team of scientists aboard the International Space Station who discover a rapidly evolving life form that threatens the crew and all life on Earth.
This is the 2017 science fiction thriller about an international space crew that discovers life on Mars.
Jake Gyllenhaal, Rebecca Ferguson and Ryan Reynolds lead the cast of the film as a team of scientists aboard the International Space Station who discover a rapidly evolving life form that threatens the crew and all life on Earth.
When the crew of the International Space Station intercepts a sample from Mars, they are elated to discover the first proof of life beyond Earth.
OPENING THIS WEEK Kam's Kapsules: Weekly Previews That Make Choosing a Film Fun by Kam Williams For movies opening September 2, 2011 BIG BUDGET FILMS Apollo 18 (Unrated) Found - footage horror flick, set in 1974, shedding light on a government cover - up of a NASA space mission on which the crew of astronauts were attacked by parasitic life forms they discovered on the moon.
As the action gets underway, we discover that she's actually on a cleaning crew at a damp, cavernous research facility in Baltimore where, in Kennedy - era America, the U.S. government has brought in a mysterious humanoid amphibian from the Amazon, possessed of powers that may have implications for the space race and Cold War politics.
There's no tight focus on Kirk and co. or the Enterprise or one crew here, rather it's on a galactic scale as you control one of three races from the moment they first discover warp drive and begin exploring the black void of space.
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