Sentences with phrase «space expedition»

Following a privately funded space expedition to find alien life in one of Jupiter's moons, Europa Report is a low - budget faux - docudrama from Ecuadorian director Sebastian Corderos.
Space Expedition Corporation, a Dutch startup company that has begun selling commercial tickets for private space flights.
Space Program is an ongoing project in which Sachs and a hand - picked team produce re-imagined space expeditions loosely based on NASA missions and protocols.
At one point in my career, I trained NASA space shuttle crews in how to get along with one another on extended space expeditions.
Shaw and Charlie, in the offscreen backstory we perhaps needed but are eventually grateful not to endure, get decrepit billionaire industrialist Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce) to fund a space expedition to planet zero in search of God.
The Unearthing Mars experience comprises of 10 different stages, each with its own unique gameplay mechanic, while advancing the story of a space expedition team trying to unravel the secrets of Mars.
The Chart of Cosmic Exploration documents every space expedition from the Luna 2 in 1959 to the DSCOVR in 2015, depicting more than half a century of space travel.
Stuart Comer: It feels a bit like a space expedition.
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