Sentences with phrase «space for charter schools»

Most significantly, the legislation would require the city to find space for charter schools inside public school buildings or pay much of the cost to house them in private space.
Most significantly, the legislation would require the city to find space for charter schools inside public school buildings or pay much of the cost to house them in private space.
He also expressed concern about the administration's effort to redirect a $ 210 million construction fund used to build space for charter schools toward pre-K, and its plans to charge better - financed charter schools rent.
ALBANY — A tentative budget agreement would guarantee space for charter schools that have been approved for co-locations and increase per - pupil funding for charters across the state, State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver told Capital on Thursday night.
As a result, the city is now obligated to find space for charter schools in public facilities, or be forced to cover as much as $ 40 million in rent for the schools.
Teachers and students echoed similar sentiments, with many arguing that the proposed space for the charter school could be used for P.S. 297's expansion.
And in a move that could double the number of loud fights over space for charter schools, Mr. Bloomberg said that he would create a task force to find more space for the schools and would seek to raise millions of dollars from private contributors to help pay for the schools, with an additional $ 200 million from the city.
And Skelos said he was equally troubled by de Blasio's decision to scrap a $ 210 million construction fund used to build space for charter schools, as well as his plan to charge better - financed charter schools rent.
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