Sentences with phrase «space ships explode»

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«We are all from outer space, but we didn't get here on space ships; we arrived an atom at a time from exploding stars.»
I'm calling it: seamless battles from the surface of a planet, jumping in a starfighter for in - air dogfights, going further into outer space battles, land on a destroyer or capital ship to continue the fight, get to the nearest starfighter or escape pod when the ship is compromised, the destroyer explodes in space as you head back down to the planet.
While traveling across a space bridge between two docked ships, the bridge decompressed and exploded forcing the marine to climb up it or be sucked into space.
No one may be able to hear you scream in space, but they can sure hear a line ship exploding into dust.
Spaceteam uses the Android hardware to the max to build a properly innovative multiplayer - only game, where between two and four players come together to shout exciting space terminology at each other while battling the control panel of an exploding ship.
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