Sentences with phrase «span observations made»

A few paintings span observations made over a twenty - five year period.

Not exact matches

«What makes this study unique is the observation of thousands of galaxies in different filaments spanning a significant fraction of the age of the Universe» said Behnam Darvish a postdoctoral scholar at Caltech who is the lead author on the paper.
The extra data spanning many thousands of years that this study uncovers will go a long way to matching model projections with past observations, helping scientists identify the most accurate models for making predictions of future climate change.
Well, the roots of the paleo movement actually span as far back as 1939, when dentist Weston Price traveled the world making extensive observations about the diets and health of indigenous cultures.
The point they make may be summarized by the following quote: «While in the observations such breaks in temperature trend are clearly superimposed upon a century time - scale warming presumably due to anthropogenic forcing, those breaks result in significant departures from that warming over time periods spanning multiple decades.»
What I am doing when I make comments about «honesty, integrity and all that other good stuff» is try to work in my personal experiences and observations (over a 63 plus year life span to date) with my own philosophy about what works and what does not work in our collective best interests.
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