Sentences with phrase «spare time writing»

Born in southern Alabama, Jared spends his working time selling phones and his spare time writing about them.
When he was in high school, Zach Sims spent his spare time writing about tech startups and their go - getter founders for a web 2.0 - tech blog.
Recently, Michael Walbridge interviewed a number of game writers and summarized their thoughts on why so many game writers spend their spare time writing even more on their personal spaces.
And the Writer's Relief Virtual Assistant program can set up, update, and regularly maintain your Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts for you — so you can spend your spare time writing instead of posting, tweeting, and pinning.
Born in southern Alabama, Jared spends his working time selling phones and his spare time writing about them.
During the day I am an Administrative Assistant, and in my spare time I write this lovely little blog and share parts of myself with you, dear reader.
During the day I am an Administrative Assistant, and in my spare time I write this lovely little blog and share parts of myself with you, dear reader.
In my spare time I write and record...
In his spare time he wrote science fiction and began self - publishing his work on in 2011.
She's also home schooled three children and is the Vice-President of a charitable foundation which helps women and children's causes and in her spare time she writes screenplays!
In his day job, Daniel is a full - time consultant, but in his spare time he writes for TravelUpdate, a multi-author travel blog.
During the day I am an Administrative Assistant, and in my spare time I write this lovely little blog and share parts of myself with you, dear reader.
In my spare time I wrote a side - scrolling shoot - em - up which caught the attention of Ratbag Games.
In his spare time he writes for his own blog Real Sceptic and volunteers where possible for Skeptical Science.
They write books, edit books by outside authors, and in their spare time write online articles and blogs, develop legal forms, and create the legal content of Nolo software.
In spare time she writes blogs for students starting their career and for those who are still in jobs.
During the day I am an Administrative Assistant, and in my spare time I write this lovely little blog and share parts of myself with you, dear reader.

Not exact matches

In his spare time during his degree, he wrote spec scripts as a hobby.
For whatever personal convictions that drives him to do so (not every CEO writes polemics about free - market capitalism in their spare time time) Mackey has elected himself the firebrand leader to inspire the next generation of leaders that must reverse the public perception of business.
But writing was something I could do in my spare time.
But if you use spare time in the day, during the commute, while waiting for your coffee to brew or before you drop off to sleep at night, the actual writing part need not seem as daunting as some fear.
In 1980, as part of his Harvard reunion, Blankfein wrote that in his «spare time,» he worked «as a tax lawyer, the only career for a real man of action.»
I'd much rather be traveling, playing tennis, building my online business, or writing with my spare time.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, three kids and two cats, as well as camping, making music and writing about antiques and collectibles.
I work in insurance, I studied finance and I love to write and eat in my spare time.
In fact, freelance writing is a very popular way to make extra money in your spare time.
In one year's time I went from never having done much more than look at a website to actually creating them and writing their content — all in my spare time!
The semester has gotten really busy, and I've owed other people what writing I could manage in my spare time.
At the time Fiori's biography was written there was only a rumor of this, reported by Wladmir Rabi in «Du nouveau sur Simone Weil» (Les Nouveaux Cahiers, Autumn 1971) After many years of silence, to spare the sensibilities of Weil's family, Simone Dietz, who was very friendly with Weil in New York and later in London, where they worked for the Free French, told a meeting of the American Weil Society in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in May 1988 that at Weil's request she herself baptized Weil (as a lay Catholic may do in extreme situations) a few months before Weil's death.
We don't need an ambassador who writes pro-life propaganda in his spare time or whatever it was he was writing.
Roger writes: «Feminism is ascendant, from Susan Brownmiller («Man's discovery that his genitalia could serve as a weapon to generate fear must rank as one of the most important discoveries of prehistoric times, along with the use of fire and the first crude stone axe») to Germaine Greer («Is it too much to ask that women be spared the daily struggle for superhuman beauty in order to offer it to the caress of a subhumanly ugly mate?»).
Foxx met the father of the young man, who sustained head and neck injuries and is expected to be hospitalized for some time, and shared a picture of the moment on Instagram, writing «a man, a son, a brother's life was spared last night.
But I had a few spare moments so thought I would write something and waste everyones time just like Wenger, with no purpose or end result.
In theory, I could write in my spare time for a company that is not a client, but for now that's not really appealing anyway.
But remember that I am not being paid to do this, I do it out of my own spare time and comments like yours only make me think twice about writing anything at all, let alone an article to suit one reader.
Any spare time I've had outside of working, I've wanted to spend with my girls and husband or sleep — and not write a blog post lamenting about missing my girls.
In her spare time, she sews, plays the autoharp, gardens and writes at very, very fine.
In her spare time Gretchen is growing her passion for writing by accepting freelance assignments while acting as a modern day Girl Friday for a local small business.
She supports sustainable living, shops from local farms, cooks from scratch, gardens, reads and writes in her spare time, and blogs about it at Farmer's Daughter.
In my spare time, I volunteer as a birth doula, and write for my blog Eco-Crazy Mom.
In her limited spare time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading Harry Potter and young adult fantasy, chatting with other parents on internet forums, and writing.
She loves spending time with her girls, watching them learn and grow, and writes articles for parenting sites in her spare time.
Having many careers in her life, Melissa Crohn is now a high school English teacher and loves to write and journal in her spare time.
In her very limited spare time, Sharon loves to write.
In her spare time, she loves to read and write stories.
Diana enjoys running, writing, skiing, and cross-stitching when she finds herself with spare time.
She freelances in her spare time and loves to write about this crazy journey called parenthood.
They've got too much spare time and end up writing destructive material on the Labour party.
«If I find myself with some spare time I will have a look at this fascinating novel someone has written about me,» Mr Cameron said from Chicago, where he is attending a Nato summit.
Jonathan was already writing lyrics in his spare time while studying for a masters in science communication at the University of Glamorgan, when he thought he would write a rap about science.
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