Sentences with phrase «spasm through»

Although you may find yourself crouched over a hole in the ground as cramps spasm through you, or sweating profusely as you desperately try to figure how to flush a toilet that just will not flush, once the nightmarish ordeal is over, you will look back on it in an almost fond way, as the details fade, and all you remember of the ordeal is the stunning location where you nearly shit your pants.
The wall phone rings, sending a short spasm through the kitten, who has dragged itself almost underneath it, before collapsing again.
The vinegar has an extremely sour taste that reduces the spasms through the throat to help you get rid of the hiccups overall (13 + Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, Reader's Digest).

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All during the decade of my thirties, I went through spasms of guilt because I spent so much time writing, because I wasn't a good New England housewife and mother.
Finally, about 130 million years after the red giant phase, the sun will go through a final spasm and eject its outer layers into space, leaving behind a white dwarf: a hot, dense lump of carbon and oxygen no larger than Earth.
Interventional cardiologists have typically favored catheter access through the groin because it involves a larger artery that is less prone to spasm, an event that can limit the ability to move medical equipment through the catheter.
People who have pertussis (or whooping cough) make this strange sound when they try to inhale through an inflamed airway following coughing spasms.
If you've ever pedaled through a long bike ride or powered through a half - marathon battling symptoms like headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, or muscle spasms, then you already know all about electrolyte imbalances.
This can cause muscles to go into spasm as they are not used and blood does not flow through them so easily.
The researchers believe that magnesium protects against fatal heart attacks through its ability to prevent arrhythmias and artery spasms.
Through about 9 other symptoms included in OTS, muscle spasms have been one that i have not seen on the list of symptoms but still affect me.
Magnesium has helped me so much through this pregnancy with morning sickness and muscle spasms — I can't believe the difference it has made!
These ideas and others circulate through Ms. Taymor's film, but rather than cohere into a compellingly new — or satisfyingly traditional — rendering of the play, they slosh around, generating glimmers of insight, slivers of feeling and spasms of sensation, as well as empty dazzle and frustration.
Increasing dietary fiber is helpful to many IBS patients as fiber has been found to help normalize the spasms of the large intestinal muscles, and many therapeutic high - fiber diets are sold through veterinary hospitals.
Treatment centers around stabilizing your dog through intravenous fluid and pharmaceuticals to ease tremors and spasms.
Snails without shells, or nudibranchs, swim gracefully through open water using their spineless, shell-less bodies in rolling spasms of movement.
As it calls, it goes through the most acrobatic - looking spasms, gripping onto the branch, leaning back, and then throwing its head forward as it screeches, clucks, and pops, sticking its tail in the air at the same time.
We've been following the progress of the Detroit Lakes MN station and it's instructive to follow the ups and downs of its history through these spasms.
But instead of doing the obvious — tax the damn thing — we go through spasms of destructive alternatives, such as efficiency standards, ethanol mandates and now a crazy carbon cap - and - trade system the Senate is debating this week.
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