Sentences with phrase «spatial activity»

Project Room: Argument # 3, Rivers of White Spidersense # 1 A series of six episodes in which a visual artist and a concrete poet engage in spatial activities, taking possession of the associative texts and presentation space of the project room.
For each Spidersense, a visual artist and a concrete poet engage in spatial activities: one artist in the project room and one -LSB-...]
The paper «Seasonal ITCZ migration dynamically controls the location of the (sub) tropical Atlantic biogeochemical divide» highlights how dust blowing off Africa's deserts amplify surface levels of iron in the Atlantic that in turn control the spatial activity of nitrogen gas fixing phytoplankton and phosphate content in the Tropical Atlantic.
Langston et al. (p. 1576) and Wills et al. (p. 1573) investigated the early development of spatial activity in the hippocampal formation and the entorhinal cortex of rat pups when they first began to explore their environment.
Balka runs the Spatial Activities Studio at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts.
For each Spidersense, a visual artist and a concrete poet engage in spatial activities: one artist in the project room and one artist -LSB-...]
For each Spidersense, a visual artist and a concrete poet engage in spatial activities: one artist in the project room and one artist featured in the brochure.
Hilde's paintings have more visual interest and spatial activity than these.
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