Sentences with phrase «spatial dimension»

Recent versions of string theory predict there are actually seven spatial dimensions beyond the three that we can sense.
In essence, he showed that quantum math describing physics in three spatial dimensions without gravity can be equivalent to math describing a four - dimensional space with gravity.
One of the central ideas of string theory is that there are other spatial dimensions than the three we're used to; many string theorists imagine a world with 10 of the things.
The EU's climate policies set binding targets for the region's 27 member states, but Ivanova says the different countries need «a finer spatial dimension of consumption - related and environmental information that moves beyond national averages.»
When recorded by her large - format camera — and without digital manipulation — Kasten's arrangements become ambiguous in scale, confusing in spatial dimensions, and uncertain in differentiation between surface, shape, and shadow.
Those neutrinos may reveal the existence of extra spatial dimensions, which is a key prediction of string theory.
In such cases, his art went beyond the conventional bounds of painting into a new spatial dimension that harked back to his roots in architecture.
The level I and level II multiverses all exist in the same spatial dimensions as our own.
Successiveness is a relation not dependent upon spatial dimensions for its intelligibility.
Neurophysiological data also demonstrates coding of additional spatial dimensions such as head direction and the location of environmental barriers.
The artists developed a four - year plan to examine the four perceptual cues that create the reading of spatial dimension on a two - dimensional surface: overlap, relative size change, brightness ratio, and light and shade.
The awareness of spatial dimensions is evident in this creation of dancing cubes and rectangles which convey a sense of movement and fluidity that evoke the work of Braque and Picasso.
It is a shame that we all are distanced from God's sons and daughters by spatial dimensions forsakenness.
By giving big - screen spatial dimension to the drawing style of comic - book panels, it roots Kick - Ass in the abstract narrative forms that first taught kids to substitute mechanical enthusiasm for moral response.
And where more than in Hamlet, set in a particular place and time with a limited cast of characters interrelated in quite specific ways, do we experience the mysterious and ironic disproportion between mere spatial dimension and the immensely more extensive structural and thematic dimension that characterizes the fractal that figures so prominently in chaos theory?
To turn his suggestion on its head, reality — not its mere shadow — may take place on a distant boundary surface, while everything we witness in the three common spatial dimensions is a projection of that faraway unfolding.
The parallel universes of level III exist in an abstract mathematical structure called Hilbert space, which can have infinite spatial dimensions.
Meenakshi Kashyap has a Ph.D. in applied biology from the Cancer Research Institute, India, and currently works as a biotechnology scientist for Spatial Dimensions Canada Inc., an IT and bioinformatics consulting and outsourcing company.
The LHC could reveal «spectacular evidence» of one spatial dimension vanishing as the machine approaches the high - energy conditions seen soon after the Big Bang, says Landsberg.
The hypothesis calls for six or more spatial dimensions (on top of the three that we can observe) that are curled up into tiny spaces.
The team has also calculated that a fourth spatial dimension would show up as an intrinsic energy that pushes the three - dimensional Universe outwards.
«The three spatial dimensions effectively mimic just one normal relativistic dimension,» he says, making it look as though two dimensions have vanished.
Extra dimensions of space, for instance, which are predicted in many forms of string theory (a variant called M theory requires 10 spatial dimensions rather than the familiar three), could be accessible at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), said Barnard College physicist Janna Levin.
Four full - range loudspeakers in the A-pillars and in the roof line take care of the high - level spatial dimension.
The first Estructura designed to go outside, the sculpture on view as part of the exhibition further extends the possibilities of the work, adding nature or different spatial dimensions into the mix.
Blending spatial dimensions Svobodová plays with possibilities and impossibilities She implements optical deceptions that teeter on the edge of abstract and recognizable, between two - and three - dimensional spaces.
In the exhibition «Ground», James Hyde uses the flat field of painting as a topological arena that ties together the physical substance of painting and the ground on which it is laid, extracting spatial dimensions and new meanings from this relationship.
Kuwayama framed the work as a means of addressing a Minimalist interest in perceptual and spatial dimension while retaining the two - dimensionality of painting.
In recent work, she has inquired into matters of topology, higher spatial dimensions, and chirality.
And black holes evaporating explosively could also help reveal extra spatial dimensions.
Richard Tuttle seeks to blur the boundaries between painting and sculpture in order to create a new spatial dimension.
In 1999 University of Washington physicist Eric Adelberger heard a lecturer offer an intriguing explanation: Perhaps gravity only appears weak, because it operates in additional spatial dimensions beyond length, width, and height.
The number of observed large spatial dimensions — kilometer - scale or bigger — is still limited to the three we know and love, the...
One possibility: time is just another spatial dimension except at the beginning of space and time This is perhaps like formation of an ice crystal or alignment of magnetic domains, a phase change in which time becomes timelike.
Because temporal order can be given a spatial mapping, we are led to think of a temporal dimension which is like a spatial dimension.
The spatial dimension can be determined by tracing out simultaneity relations between actual entities.
This is false because it considers only a spatial dimension of revelation).
The problem was this: observers of a penny lying atop a desk in a classroom see a variety of visual percepta — oblong copper - colored ellipsoid solids of one sort or another — somewhat at variance with the «normative description» of the «penny - an - sich,» which (we claim to know on the basis of experience) is «in fact» a thin copper disk, or better, a right - cylinder of certain mass and spatial dimensions.
Looking at «Faith Church» in the context of the city of Metro City, the structural aspect of this spatial dimension is stressed.
As with the spatial dimensions, we measure it.
Hawking believes in a past eternal universe if you count time that is a spatial dimension before the origin.
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