Sentences with phrase «spatial map»

Functional MRI is commonly used to study how the brain works, by providing spatial maps of where in the brain external stimuli, such as pictures and sounds, are processed.
A key to the connection between smell, memory and navigation is that olfactory bulbs have a strong neural link to the brain's hippocampus, which creates spatial maps of our environment.
Brain imaging techniques revealed that men found their way out of the maze using the left hippocampus, a memory storage region that also governs spatial mapping in the physical environment.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 will allow for improved accuracy on spatial mapping to accompany AR / VR applications.
As described in Physical Review Letters, the JILA method makes spatial maps of energy shifts among the atoms in a three - dimensional strontium lattice atomic clock, providing information about each atom's location and energy level, or quantum state.
To test whether the hippocampus could actually form spatial maps using only visual landmarks, Mehta's team devised a noninvasive virtual reality environment and studied how the hippocampal neurons in the brains of rats reacted in the virtual world without the ability to use smells and sounds as cues.
As a consequence of the greater spatial mapping of darks, a 0.5 x 0.5 mm cube of visual cortex can represent the same position of a dark spot but different positions of light spots that appear to rotate around a dark anchor in visual space.
The distribution of neuron activity reveals an organization that supports the brain's spatial mapping capacity
Using SALVI in SIMS, located at DOE's EMSL, the team also created a chemical spatial map of the air - liquid interface.
In summary, here we show sensory - based global remapping in a mammal, suggesting that the hippocampus does not contain an abstract spatial map but rather a «cognitive atlas», with multiple maps for different sensory modalities.
The group, whose funders include the European Research Council, combs through data such as smartphone footage, satellite imagery, maps, and phone logs to create three - dimensional spatial maps of conflict sites, using architectural rendering software and other analytic tools.
The headsets being developed by Microsoft's hardware partners use positional head tracking software and spatial mapping technologies to blend virtual and physical spaces.
That's why native Windows 10 support is a big deal: it's the first attempt to bring better headphone spatial mapping to everyone (well, so long as you're not on macOS or Linux).
The hippocampus is the brain region where spatial maps of our surroundings are encoded.
Because temporal order can be given a spatial mapping, we are led to think of a temporal dimension which is like a spatial dimension.
This procedure was developed by Poole and Rosenthal in the 1980s and is a «scaling procedure», representing legislators on a spatial map.
In this sense, a spatial map is much like a road map — the closeness of two legislators on the map shows how similar their voting records are.
Each place cell is activated by a location; together, they create a spatial map in the brain.
«In the second paper, we created a spatial map of alpha - synuclein, cataloging all the proteins in living neurons that were in close proximity to the protein,» explained Chee Yeun Chung, former Whitehead Institute Senior Research Scientist, who co-led both studies with Khurana.
To simplify the problem of studying how the brain makes a spatial map, a team lead by Jean - René Duhamel and Werner Graf of CNRS - Collège de France in Paris trained two macaque monkeys to focus their eyes on a spot of light on a screen; the dot would appear for a few seconds, disappear, then appear a few seconds later somewhere else on the screen.
In the future, e-whiskers could be used to mediate tactile sensing for the spatial mapping of nearby objects, and could also lead to wearable sensors for measuring heartbeat and pulse rate.
These neurons, described in today's issue of Nature, appear to be first in line to process incoming visual signals into a spatial map, suggesting that one of the brain's first steps toward making sense of the outside world is to compensate for the body's own motion.
UNIGE neuroscientists thus asked how these spatial maps are used by the brain itself when it performs specific tasks.
The spatial mapping might also arise from a physical map of numbers in the brain, which has been found in humans in the right posterior parietal cortex but has not yet been seen in animals.
One idea here is that humans have a sense of linear time — the notion that there is a past, present, and future — and that this becomes incorporated into the spatial mapping system to produce a spatiotemporal mapping system, a way of localizing oneself in time as well as place.
In my talk, I will summarise the properties of these cells and suggest how they contribute to the creation of a spatial map of the environment and its updating on the basis of new information.
One of the projects underlying the Human Cell Atlas is the Human Protein Atlas with the ultimate aim to provide a spatial map of all human proteins using a combination of «big data technologies».
But the emerging understanding that our spatial maps are themselves relative and affected by memory and behavior makes the dual function of the hippocampus easier to understand.
Since the discovery (in a human patient named H.M.) that hippocampal removal can lead to the inability to form new memories, the hippocampus has been studied as one of the primary sites of memory formation in the brain.12 While it has also been known since O'Keefe and Dostrovsky's initial experiments that the hippocampus plays a basic role in spatial navigation, how and why this tiny portion of the brain can host both spatial maps and complex memories has remained poorly understood.
When experiencing trauma, the hippocampus, responsible for memories and spatial mapping, and the thalamus, which integrates the experience into our autobiographical self, shut down.
The Evision Electric Sedan Concept will come with connected technologies such as cloud computing, analytics, geo - spatial mapping and increased human - machine interface.
It comes with advanced driver assistance systems and has integrated connected technologies like cloud computing, analytics and geo - spatial mapping.
The conceptual maps that participants create will explore the role the body plays as a spatial and sensory tool in navigation, much like the spatial mapping of traces in Rachel Whiteread's drawings.
Talking to Action addresses critical issues such as migration and memory, spatial mapping, environmental issues, gender rights and legislation, indigenous knowledge, and racial violence in work created by contemporary social practice artists and collectives from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and the United States.
Provide a spatial map of the first ice - free date (IFD; Julian Day when SIC < 15 % or SIE = 0 %) in 2015.
In addition to perturbing the atmospheric model parameters as in previous experiments, the land surface parameters and spatial map of the land use will be perturbed.
He had compared past to future tropical changes which isn't quite the same as our analysis (we don't have spatial maps of future temperature for all models)
The technology to make useful and affordable robots is within reach and includes smart sensors, LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) radar, facial recognition, Wi - Fi and Bluetooth, spatial mapping and negotiation, and enough computing power for basic artificial intelligence and meaningful robot / human communications and interaction a.k.a. Cortana, Alexa, and chatbots.
Using spatial mapping, the developer kit allowed me to see a Minecraft world overlaid on top of a coffee table and other furniture.
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