Sentences with phrase «spatial structure by»

This work exemplifies the Mobius concept of a surface which becomes a spatial structure by being twisted 180 degrees around its lengthwise axis.
Oh describes this process as follows: «Responding to a site's nuanced configuration, I build spatial structures by suspending Plexiglas and painted strings in the air.

Not exact matches

God so commands all orbital velocities inwardly from the lowly atoms and even outwardly toward issues of all that is made celestially orbital... Our humanoid embodiments of orbital atoms are merely buildings structured just so to be inhabited by godly generations on a scalar dimension unequaled in the inward depths and breadths of spatial reciprocity...
Universal Algebra, in precisely this sense, is a poor framework for mathematics insofar as it unites spatial manifolds and symbolic logic by introducing the common notion of an algebraic manifold (Whitehead's terminology) or a semi-group (current standard terminology), an object with very little structure or intrinsic interest.9 In this case, generalization comes at the expense of abstract sterility.
Thus (provided always that we accept the organic nature of the social phenomenon) we see being woven around us, beyond any unity hitherto acknowledged or even foreseen by biology, the network and consciousness of a Noosphere (It should be noted here that by its nature as a centrated, «reflective» collectivity, the Noosphere, while occupying the same spatial dimensions as the Biosphere, differs from it profoundly in its structure and quality of vital completion.
We accomplished this by commencing with purposive and conscious actions of humans (e.g., in the construction of a building structure), which required the sustenance of other entities (plants, animals, planets, galaxies, etc.) within the spatial and temporal framework of an evolving universe.
Observing devices, either within the region of the dissipative structure or outside of it, may detect regular oscillations caused by variations of components of the structure, or, if their temporal or spatial resolving power is not high enough for that, they may detect only a new, averaged reading, corresponding to a novel state of affairs brought about by the closure of the set of relationships which defines the dissipative structure.
For example, children classify objects (stacking blocks by shape or sorting them by color); measure things («This cloth isn't big enough to cover the table»); count just about anything (coins, candy, people, toys, and so on); transform objects (stretching dough and making a flat circular shape); recognize patterns and shapes (building a symmetrical structure by putting a two unit block over two blocks); and explore spatial relations (finding a location or following directions).
Topological defects are errors in the spatial structure which are caused by the breaking of the symmetry when particles of a system can not communicate with each other.
After data processing, the echoes returned by the structures crossed by these waves can provide images with unequalled spatial and temporal resolution: 80 micrometers and a few tens of milliseconds.
These future studies, they note, «should focus on generating high - spatial - resolution maps of off - rift tectonic structures and should be complemented by detailed field work to constrain the stress field orientations during the development of the Aluto magma reservoir.»
We study the group velocity of single photons by measuring a change in their arrival time that results from changing the beam's transverse spatial structure.
Super-resolution optical microscopy produces images whose spatial resolution surpasses a theoretical limit imposed by the wavelength of light, offering extraordinary visual detail of structures inside cells.
The new methods dramatically improve on the spatial resolution provided by structured illumination microscopy, one of the best imaging methods for seeing inside living cells.
The team also demonstrated the utility of the platform by applying it to examine a growth - modulating feedback circuit whose dynamics is qualitatively altered by circuit - host couplings and revealing the behaviors of a toggle switch across scales from single - cell dynamics to population structure and to spatial ecology.
By encoding two extra synthetic dimensions into the complex geometric structure of the waveguides, the researchers were able to model the two - dimensional system as having a total of four spatial dimensions.
Led by Masaaki Isobe, a team consisting of Hiroyuki Yoshida, Koji Kimoto, Masao Arai and Eiji Muromachi recently searched for novel substances that lack spatial inversion symmetry in their crystal structures.
The analysis of the spatial genetic structure of the Parkia population revealed a significant genetic relationship of the plant embryos and young trees within a radius of 300 meters, which coincides with the distance within which most seeds are dispersed by the tamarins.
Central to the team's advanced device is the development of a spatial light modulator constructed from a unique metamaterial structure by researchers at the University of New Mexico's Center for High Technology Materials.
Varying surface colonization and adhesion is just one of several means through which spatial structure can be altered by microbes in the process of biofilm growth [16].
My research addresses this need by (1) Characterising the spatially explicit functional role of reef fish; (2) Evaluating the interaction of fish with coral reef structure across spatial scales; and (3) Uses this information to evaluate the effectiveness of cross-scale diversity of function in fish as an indicator of resilience in coral reef ecosystems.
There could be three evolutionary processes could explain this adaptive radiation of hominins: 1) the occupation of novel niches for species living in a highly productive but spatially constrained region when there are deep fresh water lakes in the EARS [46] and 2) the lakes themselves creating spatial structure producing population isolation and vicariance and 3) repeated periods of increased resource availability stimulated adaptation and radiation followed by periods of environmental stress when the lakes rapidly dried up imposing strong selection pressures [28].
These wires provide the contact between the closely spaced cells and explain the spatial structure of the consortium, as was shown by a team of researchers led by Victoria Orphan from Caltech.
btwn Oxford & Cambridge About Blog The Blog on Structured Procrastination on Cities, Demography, Transport Policy and Spatial Analysis by Rafael H M Pereira, A PHD student.
btwn Oxford & Cambridge About Blog The Blog on Structured Procrastination on Cities, Demography, Transport Policy and Spatial Analysis by Rafael H M Pereira, A PHD student.
In the paintings and drawings he made while in residence at the American Academy in 1970 and 1971, one readily recognizes the spatial dynamics of Guston's entire oeuvre, the latent or overtly stated matrix of vertical and horizontal lines that derive from the structure of Renaissance perspective that was subsequently collapsed by Cubism and flattened by Mondrian.
Works in various scale create dynamic spatial relationships: a metal structure covered with accumulated bottles sits on the floor, informed by vernacular architecture as well as the cotillion, a social dance originating in France in the 18th century and further developed by African Americans in the United States; and a chandelier of oversized cowrie shells hangs dramatically within a large and site - specific yurt - like structure.
The show is an extension of my work Retainer (2012) at SculptureCenter in New York that tried to create a possible utopia by attempting to imagine optimizing a given spatial structure.
The existing boundaries of the space — both temporal and spatial — are thus modified by structures that originate from everyday life, such as curtains, seats, lamps.
Hofmann's art work is distinguished by a rigorous concern with pictorial structure, spatial illusion, and color relationships.
Influenced by the works and writings of Wassily Kandinsky (1866 — 1944), Knaths became interested in music and believed that there were correspondences between musical intervals and spatial proportions, a theory that suited his cubist pictorial structure.
His structures of balancing beams and slabs of steel, held together by unnoticeable bolts, investigate the spatial relationship of forms and are often described as «defying gravity» and «simultaneously explosive and implosive».
Visual and spatial punning and wordplay reveal themselves to the close reader through the structure of the exhibition itself, organized by curator Ali Subotnick in close collaboration with Stark.
He continues: «Matisse's late work does contribute quite prominently, if not iconically, to a certain strand in the conjunction of modernism and abstraction which blurs the distinction between art and design, and more specifically between abstract painting and the decorative and applied arts... I've always considered Matisse's greatest contribution to art not his colour, which is undoubtedly exceptional, but his inventive painterly architectures reasserting what [painting] does (what, in a way, it has always done), what it delivers, by the act of continual reinvention; finding yet more new ways to keep it alive — and of course, keep it keenly separate from design and the applied arts even when in the act of using elements of those very disciplines to elaborate and enrich the spatial structures of his painting.»
The freestanding structures activate a self - awareness of one's own presence and corporeality in the room enacted by the scale of the works, their horizontal and vertical positions, as well as their spatial configuration which determines one's movements in the room.
Cubism About 1909 the implications of Cézanne's highly organized yet revolutionary spatial structures were expanded by Picasso and Braque, who invented an abstract art of still lifes converted into shifting volumes and planes.
By employing a range of mediums, expanding spatial capabilities, and experimenting with abstraction and structure, the artists of this exhibition explore the visual information — the light, color, tones and shapes — we encounter from moment to moment, offering new translations of these optic experiences.
Zigmund's work suggests walls, barricades, enclosures, and structures that are difficult to classify and can elicit spatial disorientation by meshing real and representational space.
The overall assembly is carried by a visible wooden structure, which influences the spatial proportions and the perception of the observers within the exhibition space.
By the late 1970s, Steinbach had begun to investigate spatial questions of visual structure, honing in on the daily rituals of collecting and arranging objects.
By organizing the spatial and dramatic structure of his compositions with barely visible cubic or elliptical cages, his figures become trapped in a kind of invisible room
In one booth, EDS Galería was presented a body of architectural and spatial investigations by Vargas - Suarez Universal, blending colorful lines running throughout the exhibition space with nondescript metal intrusions that brought a certain vibrancy to the often staid structure of gallery booths.
A comprehensive risk assessment would determine flood hazard for individual structures by modeling watershed and floodplain characteristics at fine spatial scales; it would describe the varying levels of protection offered by all elements of a flood protection system and mitigation measures; and it would account explicitly for uncertainties, including those related to current and future flood hazard, structure value and vulnerability, and the current and future performance of flood protection measures.
Both of these factors, in turn, are primarily controlled by the spatial structure in the SST field.
By analyzing 80 proxy records from around the globe (generally with resolutions better than 500 years) the authors are able to evaluate the changes occurring during different time periods in order to characterize the spatial and temporal structure of the deglacial evolution.
Also the spatial structure of changes in precipitation linked to altered surface temperature by convection can be improved by using higher resolution model experiments, although the relative gain here is generally small (Di Luca et al, 2012).
The energy requirements of urban transport are strongly influenced by the density and spatial structure of the built environment, as well as by the location, extent and nature of the transport infrastructure.
However, the spatial resolution currently achieved by global climate models (GCMs) and regional climate models (RCMs) is still insufficient to correctly identify the fine structure of...
From the paper: Over the whole globe, the dominant spatial mode of variability in OHC in the upper 300 m [as shown by the first empirical orthogonal function (EOF), which explains the most variance], occurs mainly in the tropical Pacific and has the structure of ENSO variability (Fig. 4, A and B).
«C (x) captures the time - invariant spatial structure of the temperature field, and hence can be seen as a form of spatial «climatology», though it differs from the normal definition of a climatology by a simple additive factor corresponding to the long - term average of theta (t).»
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