Sentences with phrase «spawning endangered fish»

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A total of 367 GL of Commonwealth environmental water was released from Hume Dam to support in - channel, wetland and low elevation floodplain habitat throughout the River Murray for improving the condition, movement and recruitment of native fish — both silver (critically endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) and golden perch were detected spawning in the Mid Murray in response to flow variability; improve riparian and wetland vegetation condition; and contribute to the managed export of salt from the River Murray system.
«Lots of fishes are heavily exploited and endangered because of this amazing behavior where they come together to spawn,» Erisman says.
The range is home to a number of important conservation targets which include, but are not limited to, at least 2 marine fish spawning aggregation sites, a breeding population of the endangered American Crocodile, and a number of threatened coastal marine habitats including the greater reef complex itself, beach forests that support several important species of resident and migratory birds and at least 2 species of marine turtles are believed to nest on the range.
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