Sentences with phrase «speak about your work ethic»

Schools always to want to see how well individuals speak about your work ethic, experience, intelligence and personality.
You can also speak about the work ethics you follow, and the principle you adopt in keeping you update with the latest updates in electrical systems.

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Each spoke about how ethics played a role in their daily work activities.
With the actress in town as part of the impressive delegation representing Scandinavian filmmaking (including Mads Mikkelsen, Nicolas Winding Refn, Tomas Alfredson, Bille August and Tobias Lindholm — our interview here — among others) we spoke with Ms. Rapace about these and other projects, her impeccable work ethic and the importance for her of maintaining recurring relationships with actors and directors.
He talked a bit about his serialization of the first five eps of Wool — amazing story and speaks to his incredible work ethic!
LPB It's interesting to hear you speak about your paintings as an extension of a work ethic born from a segregated Memphis.
Your best references will be able to speak concretely and anecdotally about your skills, work ethic, and achievements on the job, in the classroom, or in your community.
This helps to make a good impression on the employer because it shows commitment, motivation and drive which are all good qualities to have and speak positively about the candidate's character and work ethics.
It speaks volumes about your character, work ethic, and social engagement.
People who know your work ethic and can speak professionally about your skills and expertise.
Even if you think this may be a small achievement, adding this to your CV or speaking about this during an interview will demonstrate you as being someone with a strong work ethic.
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