Sentences with phrase «speak foreign language by»

It is far better to speak foreign language by yourself then with translators help.
It is far better to speak foreign language by yourself then with translators help.
It is far better to speak foreign language by yourself then with translators help.

Not exact matches

Companies with foreign customers, take note: the city is very diverse, with more than 80 different languages spoken by residents.
What we meant to model was the sending of one of our number to be a foreign missionary — to learn a new language, to understand a local culture, to sacrifice the amenities of affluence and to live knowing that he or she is always being watched by seekers — while the rest of us stay here as lifetime local missionaries, learning to speak the language of the unchurched, understanding secular culture, sacrificing the amenities of affluence and living as a «watched» person in a society that is skeptical of Christian spirituality until it sees the real thing on display.
«I find if offensive, insulting, irrelevant and positively cretinous to be told — sometimes by people who can barely speak a foreign language — that I belong to a group of small - minded xenophobes; because the truth is it is Brexit that is now the great project of European liberalism, and I am afraid that it is the European Union — for all the high ideals with which it began, that now represents the ancien regime.»
And Keysar is interested in looking at whether language can be usefully considered in decisions made by doctors speaking a foreign language.
How would you respond if you were put in a similar situation, in which most of your town's buildings had been leveled by foreign occupiers who can't even speak your language and yet kick in your doors at 5 am to violate your every mode of dignity?
All faculty members in each state university, other than those persons who teach courses that are conducted primarily in a foreign language, shall be proficient in the oral use of English, as determined by a satisfactory grade on the «Test of Spoken English» of the Educational Testing Service or a similar test approved by the Board of Governors.
The Department for Education said the ability to speak foreign languages was valued by employers and helped pupils to understand different cultures and countries.
In an open letter published this week by the Guardian, more than 100 artists based in the United Kingdom spoke out against the new English baccalaureate, a government - mandated set of courses — including science, math, foreign languages, and history — that now excludes the arts.
Here was a land peopled overwhelmingly by mestizos (people of mixed descent) and Indians, with dozens of pre-Columbian languages still spoken, syncretic religious beliefs and rituals reinforcing fatalism, with the dead seemingly more revered than the living... Yet, for all the fascination that foreign artists felt for Mexico between 1910 and 1940, their influence on the country was minimal.
Reach Spanish - speaking clients by adding a single targeted Spanish language page, or give your law firm's website even broader appeal with a FindLaw Foreign Language Site.
In the case at hand, the judge discussed the reasonableness of the foreign language requirement, and the steps that were being taken by the Canadian employer to establish a training plan between these assumed non-English speaking foreign workers and the on - boarding of locally hired Canadian workforce.
Some of our lawyers have been admitted and practised law in foreign jurisdictions (including England, Bermuda and New York), have both foreign and local legal education, including in the U.S. and U.K. and a number of our lawyers and law clerks speak languages including French, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Russian and Cantonese.We are often consulted by those located in the United States, and in the past have been consulted by or retained in litigation by those (or matters located) in Alaska, California, Washington, Nebraska, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida and Texas.
Aside from Sam, the remainder of the attorney team is comprised of associates and foreign legal consultants with top - level academic credentials (Harvard, Yale, University of Chicago, New York University, University of Pennsylvania, and Peking University) and superior local language skills: all team members speak both Mandarin Chinese and English, supported by acute local cultural sensitivity acquired from being native Chinese, educated here for extended periods, or retaining strong family ties to mainland China or Taiwan.
So there I am, six thousand miles away from home in a foreign country (whose language I don't speak) covering a trade show by myself, and I realize the power brick on my XPS 13 is busted.
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