Sentences with phrase «speak point by»

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Both mentors and coaches will evaluate you on your natural speaking style, critique where you fall short and fill in any blanks by walking you through the finer points.
As much as it's significant to speak for yourself and stand by your point, it's also necessary to avoid pointless arguments at work.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up by more than 800 points since Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen spoke about the economy last week.
The writing speaks to the community willing them to get involved by asking questions and raising points over which healthy debate might ensue. Mobile launched a new service at the beginning of this year that allows users to receive directions on their mobile device simply by speaking their start and end points.
If you're in the insurance field and you need to speak to a crowd of medical professionals, find common ground by choosing examples that best illustrate your point.
Speaking on a company earnings conference call, Enbridge's Mr. Daniel pointed out that the industry signed a toll agreement in 2007, which was approved by U.S. regulators in August of 2008.
Financially speaking, determining the best age to claim your benefits is helped by considering the various breakeven points associated with your life expectancy, and the lifetime benefits you could receive if you claim at various ages.
Speaking by phone from Montreal on Wednesday, economist Paul - Andre Pinsonnault predicted Governor Stephen Poloz will cut the policy rate by a quarter point to 0.25 percent next month, matching a record low set in 2009 during the global financial crisis.
My point of view is not filtered or interpreted by others — I get to speak for myself.
Baby boomers have traditionally been more affected by anchoring than other generations, a point worth remembering when speaking with clients.
In the last two years as the bull argument has been pummeled into reality by the surge in debt, the persistent failure of consumption growth to close the gap with GDP growth, and the sharp slowdown in overall growth, the mood abroad has turned increasingly bearish, to the point that many people are speaking about a China collapse and the horrible implications this will have for the rest of the world.
According to Newsbusters, a conservative watchdog, the students are not speaking for themselves but are being used by the «liberal media» to «parrot back liberal talking points on guns.»
Among other English - speaking countries, the Bank of England has increased official rates by 100 basis points in four steps to 6 per cent, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has increased rates by 200 basis points to 6.5 per cent, and the Bank of Canada has increased rates by 125 basis points to 5.75 per cent, with the past four increases immediately following the US Fed (Table 3).
Immediately after he spoke, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by more than 100 points.
But, as pointed out by an expert I heard speak privately yesterday, this extension is not in synch with the rest of the tax bill, which generally applies to behavior through 2012.
Trump spoke as his White House tried to pick up the pieces after Democrats» apparent victory in a special election in a western Pennsylvania congressional district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016.
@fimeilleur actually i can back up the claims i make both personally and historically, one example Abraham, Machpelah (actual location of his tomb and remains along with 5 others in Israel right where they are supposed to be) Kedorlaomer king of Elam, (defeated by Abraham and recently discovered) it is said Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.More than that Abraham saw God and spoke with Him, not the god you are on about that men use to justify their evil intent, but the God who has created all things, the God that no one especially you can not contain.Ignorance is your choice but that will not negate the existence of God in any way.No one that i am aware of has all the answers at this point regarding spiritual things, evolution or evilution there are areas God has not yet revealed to mankind but every day more is discovered.I find it amazing that God is big enough to share discovery even with those who would reject Him.
As pointed out by Father Neuhaus (While We're At It, April), «all kinds of studies appearing with great regularity tell us that Jews are, generally speaking, very smart.»
The point is you speak of things as FACT and then something changes by 14 BILLION YEARS in a distance of 347 miles from the Earth observation to Orbit, and you just say OH well that's science for ya.
The first thing that must be said, however — a point only faintly adumbrated in the WCC statement's suggestion that Jesus had redefined the family — is that the fellowship of the kingdom of God, though it may be spoken of as a family, is neither generated nor sustained through biological transmission of life nor by the love given and received in the history of our families.
It must be made quite clear that he who, not on the fringe of the christian mystical tradition but at its point of fullest development, was able without imprudence to engage in this formidable battle with matter had prepared himself for it by the most rigorous asceticism: first, in childhood and youth, the asceticism of an unwavering fidelity to the christian ideal; later, that of a careful and constant obedience to the exigencies of a vocation which would lead him on without respite up the steeply climbing road to perfection till he came to that solitude which he himself described: «he would henceforth be for ever a stranger..., he would inevitably speak henceforth in an incomprehensible tongue, he whom the Lord had drawn to follow the road of fire.»
In particular, we may note that there are three points at which the Kingdom teaching of the synoptic tradition tends to differ both from Judaism and from the early Church as represented by the remainder of the New Testament: in the use of the expression Kingdom of God for (1) the final act of God in visiting and redeeming his people and (2) as a comprehensive term for the blessings of salvation, i.e. things secured by that act of God, and (3) in speaking of the Kingdom as «coming».
Humanly speaking, we can not resolve the paradox by logically separating the points of the tension — God's will and our own.
Its my hope that someday you get to the point of believing through life's struggles or by someone who is able to speak the right words to you.
(Not the many anti-christs, but THE anti-Christ, the one spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, as Jesus pointed out.
For decades religions denied evolution to even speak of it in some places you would be put to death, but as the years went by more and more evidence that supported evolution surfaced, that it got to a point were it could not be denied anymore so what do the religious do, what religion has been so good at doing and its adapt.
Whitehead's own use of the term «metaphysics» is not systematic, as is well - known,» so not much is gained by pointing out that Whitehead speaks of Creativity as «the ultimate metaphysical principle» (PR 32; my italics).
Faith (or, precisely, feeling) is the point where God dwells in the self, and so, it is claimed, by speaking about faith, we can in fact speak about God.
The individual stories still speak at points with qualities of expression characteristic of their origin and background in ancient folklore, when the stories were primarily motivated by etiology of one sort or another, or by the love, simply, of a good story, or by the desire to entertain and to be entertained.
The fact that many of the assumptions fundamental to Whitehead's starting point in human experience were thrown into question by those undertaking this revolution is the main reason, I think, for the subsequent neglect of his philosophy in the English - speaking world.
only reason y i say this is because of Santification, once we give our life to the Lord, we streight way (so to speak) begin the process of Santification, this is Christ making us like him, and this Is SUFFERING It does nt happen over night, but for the duration of our time here, as you have said, its sort of like sin being done unto us, and we are handleing it just like Christ did, (with Love) of coarse with the help of the Holy Spirit, This Does NOT feel Good At ALL since our soulful flesh is Corrupt, (but our spirit is saved) This is were your trails and tribulation, your own desire, and All play apart, Now Moment by Moment we choose by our own will, And Jesus helps in these times, as he was tempeted, but without sin, The devil can do nothing but try and decieve the Christian into thinking that he has to work for his salvation as you have said, this thing here is about your Inheritance In Christ, Its gonna be some show nought broke christian in Heaven, because their trying to set of for themseleve trasure on earth, and their is going to be weeping and gnat of teeth, but it wont be, because of their going to Hell, It will be cause they miss out on what they could have had, and it is Devistation, cause they waste so much time, and they wont be able to attend the wedding, supper of the lamb, they wont be, getting the position over city, galacy, ectt... just check it out some of the points i have made, God Bless you!
You can't be talked out of that — and Panikker's point is that no one should try: our opportunity and obligation is to speak and to listen, so that heart will speak to heart across and by means of our differences.
It was clear that the women gathered often entered the struggle from different vantage points, they did not always agree with all that was spoken, but what could not be ignored was that there were some common issues that did draw them together — it was not accidental or designed that over one - third of the 4,000 workshops by different women's groups, from all regions of the world, focuses on the issue of violence against women — some of the best being organized by Indian women, What was at the heart of Huairou was the commitment of the women present to draw energy and support from each other — it was a consciousness that they were doing it all «for the common good.»
A debate in which the thoughts are not expressed in the way in which they existed in the mind but in the speaking are so pointed that they may strike home in the sharpest way, and moreover without the men that are spoken to being regarded in any way present as persons; a conversation characterized by the need neither to communicate something, nor to learn something, nor to innuence someone, nor to come into connexion with someone, but solely by the desire to have one's own self - reliance confirmed by making the impression that is made, or if it has become unsteady to have it strengthened; a friendly chat in which each regards himself as absolute and legitimate and the other as relativized and questionable; a lovers» talk in which both partners alike enjoy their own glorious soul and their precious experience — what an underworld of faceless spectres of dialogue!
It should be very clear now that to speak of the enduring object which constitutes the life of an electron is not by any stretch of the imagination to identify electrons as enduring objects, as Cobb claims, which is the sole point that needs to be made about this passage.
I so believed that I was in direct contact with god to the point where one night while asleep, I was awakened by a vision of someone trying to speak to me.
And from this starting point there is an incessant coming and going, from the revelation by means of the word to the word concerning the revelation, from the word as inspiration to the word freely spoken as expression of this inspiration.
Robin Daniels sought to open his readers to the truth of God by inviting them to contemplate beauty: «Beauty is truth speaking to the senses and the soul, pointing us to the source of all beauty, all love, all goodness.
Bonhoeffer speaks of different types: Aristotelian (man becomes a person by partaking of reason); Stoic («a man becomes a person by submitting to a higher obligation»); 4 Epicurean (man's life is heightened by pleasure, though it has a «defective concept of spirit»); 5 and the idealist tradition flowing from Immanuel Kant (the perceiving person is the starting point for philosophy).
Most of us are politely quiet and secretly roll our eyes when someone says that god speaks to them or that they have been touched by god etc., yet when someone mentions any of the other things we are quick to point out that they are wackos... perhaps it is time for us to speak up and say there is no such thing as god and it is time to clear our heads and get on with moving the human species forward and leaving fairy tales and silly beliefs behind.
Christians who speak of «paschal identity» will wish to point to the liturgy as the place where the drama of word, offertory, Great Thanksgiving, and eucharist is enacted by and for all sinners.
I think the only good point made here by Ron Goetz (and it is a very important lesson) is that if you are uninterested in letting the scriptures speak for themselves unto truth, and if you purpose to twist the scriptures to a predetermined end then you absolutely CAN find and justify ANYTHING.
The third point in respect to «evil» may be approached by noting that in speaking of the creative process we have been obliged to use the word «good» to describe what God is «up to» in the world.
Rather than looking for God's intervention at certain points, we can speak of God's activity through the process as a whole, in the purpose evidenced by its direction and in the appearance of organization out of chaos.
When speaking of something language also speaks of itself, pointing to its ground which is taken away from it, and by this very fact given: this is signified when we say «God» even though we do not mean by this the same as language as a whole, but the ground on which it rests.
If God has become a human being; why should the spoken word be the only means by which we can point to Christ?
By this point in Mark's Gospel, Jesus has started to speak openly about his impending death.
As disciples speak and live their faith and hope grounded solely in Jesus Christ, they become for others signs of hope, pointing not to the future secured by human hands, but the one intended by God.
But it seems more appropriate to also speak of «the depth» of reason by pointing to the fact that the valuational responses of the adverbial mode contain the forms that the accusative mode abstracts and gives distinctness.
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