Sentences with phrase «speak up more»

Have you been learning to speak up more effectively about your concerns?
Ariella's therapist taught Ariella to speak up more assertively, hoping that standing her ground would up the odds that Jason would listen to her.
If you're more of an introvert or a little shy, yes, you will have to push yourself to speak up more and make your voice heard, because you'll no longer be able to sit in the corner in meetings and get away without saying anything, but you will get used to it, and the more you do it, again, the better you will get.
Encourage them — support, appropriate masks for privacy vetted by people we know, a Tip Jar for their lab work via PayPal — to speak up more online, to add a personal layer of comments and links to the «cited by» and «related» information attached to journal articles.
[As we've seen] with the gun violence protests, youth are an untapped resource, and want to speak up more and more.
On average in 10 - person teams, Emich said, men who speak up more than two - thirds of their teammates are voted to be the No. 2 candidate to take on team leadership.
Thus, it could very well be that, in most social spheres, men not only speak up more, but that they also just speak more than women.
I hope Morgan will speak up more for long suffering fans.
But your cartoon is a challenge to me to speak up more in order to not «invite» hurtful conduct.
Clearly, something needs to change, and perhaps those of us without jobs on the line need to speak up more often.
Women of late are speaking up more loudly than ever before about the experiences they've had with men who have abused their privilege and their power.
As I'm freshly going through my second divorce, the number one thing I have learned is that I should have spoken up more when I didn't like her behavior and instead of getting cross about her having secret friends, I should have raised why those actions were inappropriate.
I wouldn't have given my parents a say in the decision to marry or later divorce, but I do wish they had spoken up more forcefully.
I started speaking up more in my team meetings, I had more problem - solving ideas, and my creativity and energy skyrocketed.
During our visits thereafter he spoke up more often, showing willingness to answer questions and ask his own.
Sure, he could've been more of a vocal proponent for climate change solutions, and he could have spoken up more about the issue.
But with users already fleeing and the damage piling up, the company is also running a real risk by not speaking up more forthrightly today.
As your confidence grows, you might find yourself speaking up more during team meetings.
She spoke up more readily, critically analyzed her classroom observations, and accepted her colleagues» input as collaborative dialogue.

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Here's why Suster says it's imperative more VCs begin to speak up — men and women:
And while sex harassment is nothing new, more victims are speaking up — and employers are listening.
I'll do anything for my team, and I'll speak up when needed, but I tend to lead more by example.
Netgear CEO Patrick Lo explained that the fast - growing Arlo unit needed to «aggressively acquire new users,» Wall Street speak for racking up big losses, while the rest of Netgear had to «deepen engagement» with an already large user base, a signal that customers would be squeezed with higher prices for more profits.
He cautions that in groups of more than seven, people don't speak up as much.
That will allow you to ask thoughtful questions too — and when you do, candidates will open up and speak more freely because they'll realize you're not just asking questions.
Speaking from my limited experience, the book business is more illogical and messed up than the music industry ever was, and we all know what happened to them.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up by more than 800 points since Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen spoke about the economy last week.
Many insiders — Fortune spoke with 19 current and former McDonald's executives, as well as more than two dozen industry analysts and veterans — are starting to question if Thompson is up to the task and how long his tenure will last.
Later on in the discussion, Zeif spoke up again when Trump asked the group to provide suggestions for ways to prevent school shootings and argued that the country could look to states like Maryland, which have stricter, and more effective, gun laws.
Since then it's been a powerful journey for me — building up a multi-million dollar online media company, speaking all over the world, helping authors reach the New York Times bestsellers list, advising for billion - dollar brands, receiving media praise from places like Details magazine and much more.
While the Federation claims the black market makes up no more than 8 % of the maple syrup industry, producers Global News spoke with estimate over 90 % of producers sell outside their quota as of 2014.
Ethnic minorities make up 36 percent of the country, and more than 20 percent of Americans speak a language other than English at home.
So if you are are showing a prospective lender your business plan on 10 PowerPoint slides and get asked about something that isn't in the presentation, you can speak knowledgeably and follow up with a more fleshed out plan — and quickly.
He wasn't surprised that startup CEOs spoke up while the major players did not: «There are a lot more ways for the Trump administration to hurt Big Pharma firms with products on the market than there are ways for the Trump administration to hurt biotech firms.»
She writes in The Washington Post that more people, especially men in the industry, need to speak up.
He ultimately changed the name to Aloha Leadership, donned khakis and colorful shirts for his speaking engagements, and stopped carrying business cards because «with what I do it's important to follow up with people in a more personal way.»
Lean In is fantastic for reminding women that they have to speak up — and that it's time for partners and families to do more to help a woman's career.
They can also add to the anonymous suggestion box on the webpage, which makes them feel more comfortable speaking up.
If enough teens spoke up, perhaps banks would start changing their policies to make them more friendly to young entrepreneurs.
There's an entire generation of girls who will be less afraid to speak up and to strive for more, who will wrestle less with the subconscious notion that they don't belong at the top.
The study ultimately determined that other traits, like intelligence and conscientiousness, were more important for seizing leadership than extroversion — but smart introverts shouldn't celebrate just yet: even if they are bright, their peers won't recognize it until they speak up.
On behalf of all the people who want to speak up but can't: Please, make Amazon a more hospitable place for women and parents.
Ritu Marya, Editor - in - Chief of Entrepreneur India, caught up with the top leaders of Intuit, as they spoke about how QuickBooks is constantly evolving to suit SMEs» changing needs and why technology won't disrupt their businesses but will only make way for more.
Thanks to social media, more people of diverse backgrounds are speaking up and being heard.
The perks make people more inclined to think big - picture, and to speak up when they get a great idea.
He's clearly confident, despite the hesitations and the endless «um «s and the strange cough - laugh he uses as a kind of diffident pause, but there's also something breathlessly unsophisticated about the way he speaks — in some ways he's more like a teenager who's been asked to stand up and speak at a family dinner than like a titan of industry.
As more women speak up about this issue, demanding something be done, there is a lack of clarity of what can be.
The name Warren Buffett conjures up images of brilliant investment plans and more wealth than anyone could possibly imagine (and, possibly, the idea of just a hint of clairvoyance), but it also speaks of a man of humble origins who combined a natural - born gift with hard work and put both to good use.
More than two dozen women in the technology start - up industry spoke to The Times in recent days about being sexually harassed.
«More people are speaking up because they feel like they've been told lies,» Mr. Harris said.
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