Sentences with phrase «speaking it into»

«A vision we give to others of who and what they could become has power when it echoes what the spirit has already spoken into their souls.»
Apple sends voice data to company servers, where Siri converts the words spoken into text.
For example, if you see on your Nest Cam stream that your cat is on the table, you speak into Nest's app and say «Get Off!»
Who are you letting speak into your life about your business?
Although it sounds like fun and games, in this loft - like space with floor - to - ceiling windows, each employee, speaking into his or her wireless headset, is trading in the high - stress world of recruiting and job placement.
Twitter is a one - to - many platform, but that concept of speaking into the public forum has essentially lost all momentum.
While I felt like I was speaking into a void, the audience was still getting the content they came for.
The app already allows you to speak into your phone to ask how to say a particular phrase, and so speaking into your wrist (like a certain legendary detective) to find out how to say something would be a highly valuable addition to the watch.
The first VOIP calls were computer to computer, with the callers speaking into microphones on their PCs.
If you're traveling, you could theoretically speak into the watch and have the word you want to say appear so a local passer - by can understand.
If you prefer, you can type your journal or speak into a recorder.
It's about how to identify what we want, speak it into reality and go after it.
Users can also communicate with people at the door by speaking into their phones.
There will be a day when we can speak into our iPhones — assuming we have one — and Siri will guide us to the places where we need to be.
When people interact with most personal digital assistants or chatbots today, the experience is a lot like speaking into a walkie - talkie or texting: First one party says or writes something, and then the other party digests that information and responds.
If we were ever able to look outside of Acts 2 to understand true biblical community, we would know how to speak into one another's lives about where we are running from God.
As Christians, we believe that the truth is freeing, not only truth as in the person of Jesus Christ, but also the truth when spoken into the rest of our lives.
I thought this post on orthodoxy speaks into this situation
As a pastor I've been getting help for years, from a psychiatrist, from a clinical pastoral course I took years ago, from small groups over the years, from dear friends who are honest enough to speak into my life, from my medical doctor, from the elders in my church, from my wife (mostly) from an adult children for alcoholics group I started only because there was nothing in place in my community.
if he had not done what no other man had done, pharisees would have snored their way through his brief journey on the earth he spoke into existence and our pharisees would have to find something else over which to conduct pity parties
If they are inspired by God, please tell me why they should be interpreted differently today than when God originally spoke them into existence.
I am speaking into a vacuum, but my concern is for the children.
His word from the Lord spoke into the chaos and confusion of a people who had suffered not only a disruption of life, but also a disrupted understanding of God.
It takes an enormous amount of courage to speak into a very public venue when you are accustomed to having every action, word, personality trait, and even idea quickly, harshly, and repeatedly attacked.
Ours is indeed a consumeristic culture, the kind that too often turns people into commodities, and I believe Christians can speak into that culture in a unique, life - giving way — not only as it concerns sex - on - demand, but also as it concerns food - on - demand, celebrity - on - demand, stuff - on - demand, cheap - goods - on - demand, pornography - on - demand, entertainment - on - demand, comfort - on - demand, distraction - on - demand, information - on - demand, power - on - demand, energy - on - demand, and all those habits that tend to thrive at the expense of the dignity and value of our fellow human beings or our planet.
Not until they decided to follow Jesus did those words speak to them, or we might say not until then did God use those words to speak into their lives.
The scripture tells us He did not have to snap His fingers He just spoke it into being.
You and I, then, are the result of God's word: we are in a sense spoken into existence.
Speak into this world all that is lovely and brave, all that is beautiful and true, all that is joyous and life - giving and useful and good.
I have understood and believed that God is always working and watching His children, and like that little girl gives us words of prophecy to speak into being.
How do you speak into a culture like this with love?»
He doesn't need you and I to speak into a grieving person's heart.
While Jack was staunchly Republican (he referred to success as «Reagan - ing» and Obama as «your President»), and dizzyingly wealthy, he still managed to speak into the lives of his generally progressive, often slovenly, always financially strapped crew.
When making important decisions in the Church, female perspectives are necessary to speak into issues that men can not relate to and don't have firsthand experience in.
Well, that speaks into what I have been experiencing.
It is not a way that leaves room for the Holy Spirit to speak into our lives through anyone He so chooses.
(15) Fortunately the inexhaustible richness of Scripture ensures that our loyalty to it does not leave us without a relevant word to say to modern culture but actually unfailingly provides a compelling word to speak into the culture whatever that is.
I believe the Bible speaks into the hearts of all people regardless of their background, race, creed, or orientation.
I believe this practice, however, is the most basic and fundamental spiritual practice, and when a person learns to live life with God, this allows God to speak into their mind, and work in their life in ways that lead to other spiritual practices.
so tell me, where in the new testament do you see any instruction for killing others... where do you see Christ speaking into this?
Surely what it has always been: to serve now a word spoken into the human situation.
«All discussions about human sexuality need to be handled with care, as they speak into deep areas of our humanity and identity,» says Steve Clifford, general director of the Evangelical Alliance.
Undoubtedly God uses other writings, events, people and circumstances to also speak into our lives.
Answer: it was spoke into existence.
God speaks into our lives in lots of different ways, but we need to remember that while God's revelation is pure, we are not.
Over the following months, I realized that the voice that had spoken into my heart knew me better than I knew myself.
Who is speaking into your life?
The less people fake it, the more effectively we can speak into the areas of their lives that need the transformation of God.
Often, especially when we are speaking into injustice, the turbulence that our words bring is necessary and quite good.
It is very important that you pick only the best and wisest teachers to speak into your life.
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