Sentences with phrase «special adaptations»

Many elderly people require special adaptation of their homes due to mobility restrictions and poor health.
The hardy plants known as living stones have a variety of special adaptations allowing them to thrive in challenging climates.
Special adaptations help them hold their breath for a long time.
One fish — the bearded goby — has employed special adaptations to support an ecosystem challenged by overfishing, low - oxygen waters and even climate change
On islands, scientists sometimes see a «sped - up» version of evolution — when animals are closed off from the rest of the world, in places where there are few or no predators or competitors, they are able to branch out into special adaptations, eventually forming new species.
Pikas, which include about 30 species all living at different altitudes, have likely evolved special adaptations for living where they do.
Finally, she notes that humans do not show special adaptations to a carnivorous diet, while they do show adaptations to a plant - based diet.
«To thrive in these [fragmented] habitats birds must have special adaptations such as the ability to respond to frequent nest predation and parasitism and to forage on a wide variety of seasonally available foods.
Mangroves, with special adaptations like the ability to filter salt and make their own freshwater, roots that intake air above the soil and leaves that can secrete excess salt, resulting in salt crystals on their leaves, are made to survive in areas like this.
Serpentine yields soils unusually high in magnesium and low in calcium, which spur special adaptations among rare plant species.
The marine iguanas special adaptation is that their black skin, which they use as a natural solar panel, warming their core temperature high enough to withstand the extremely cold waters.
Special adaptations of the skin and the circulatory system help to regulate the cutaneous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
This is a five - star hotel, and the 380 rooms come equipped with satellite TV, fridges, air - conditioning and all essentials one might expect If you have mobility problems ask about booking one of the 10 rooms with special adaptations.
A former Russian princess who is an active sportswoman has devised this special adaptation of a classic Russian dish
Learn all about farm life, explore the forest, field, and wetlands looking for tracks and signs of plants and animals that live at Drumlin Farm year - round, discover the special adaptations that make birds of prey such skilled hunters, or journey back in time to learn about growing up in New England through cooking, stories, and games.
The millions of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) that flit on fragile wings from North America to fir forests in Mexico have evolved a slew of special adaptations to allow this arduous flight, which can be as far as 4,000 kilometers.
Humans would never last in the ice - cold waters these creatures call home, but they have special adaptations to battle the elements
Devices that can't read it directly have special adaptations to allow their e-readers to use.
But it brings up one more critique: though I hinted at it above, most of the shortcuts that investors use are special adaptations and first approximations of the DCF model.
Special adaptations — like bony tubercules on its nostrils to redirect air flow and «third eyelids» to keep its vision clear — remind us that this falcon is one of nature's most finely engineered creatures.
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