Sentences with phrase «special context»

A while back, EA challenged you to submit footage of your most intense Battlefield 4 moments for a chance to be featured in a very special context: a video for the Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman X Steve Angello hit song «Payback».
It's a luxury to revisit whatever is universal from the original and to find a new vehicle for that universality in this new context which is a very sadly special context because the world has changed so much, and Trump is in power and the temperature is very specific and very different and the story becomes very urgent.
It was in this most special context that I had the great pleasure and unique privilege to interview the mastermind behind all this, none other than the new director of the leading Italian art fair, Ilaria Bonacossa.
Generally put, contrast occurs when two things not fitting together according to their own internal principles are fitted together by the special context of the experiencer, by the subjective form that experiences them together.
For the auto journalist, the 2014 Ford Mustang might seem like an out - of - date vehicle, but we have to place this car into a special context.
The artists will reflect on cultural constructions and social frameworks in the special context of China and how all these form individual identities and artistic practices as well as define relations in the system that we urgently need to question.
Although I defend many American artists, given this special context, I have selected only one American artist to mark this most important destination of my life.
It seemed to be the case that where women and girls came before men it was a function of a special context: either the topic was equality or family.
In the special context of age discrimination, the kind of business practice reasons that could justify indirect discrimination were not fundamentally different from those that could justify direct discrimination.
So this special context limits the weight of Johnson Controls, but Cameron J. later made a very similar statement in assessing a cause case asserted by an employer who had disposed of employment - related records sometime after the relevant statutory retention period had expired but before the plaintiff signaled its intention to sue.
When the Court writes about general federalism principles while thinking not a moment about the very direct implications for natural resource contexts, there is room to question how far to apply its conclusions to this special context.
Evolutionary psychologists have been blazing trails in terms of researching the special contexts that matter most when it comes to casual sex in humans.
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