Sentences with phrase «special crystals»

When we think about the things that we want to have with us decades from now when we're celebrating the holidays with our loved ones extra special crystal definitely comes to mind.
It is the material's very special crystal structure that does the trick, in connection with an astonishing new physical effect; in countless tiny cages within the crystal, cerium atoms are enclosed.
You can upgrade yours by fortifying them with special crystals.
Ecco must swim around mazes, always conscious about finding air because he is a mammal after all, to find special crystals (glyphs) that allow passage to the next level.
Orimo and his research group synthesize new hydrides that contain lightweight metals and have special crystal structures, and then characterize their properties.
Meyers and Moe both performed extremely well the year before, and if you are expecting a regression to where they are now, then you've got a special crystal ball and some funky hats.
The magic happens on the surface of a special crystal called lithium niobate (LiNbO3), which boasts excellent optical properties.
This behavior results from the special crystal structure of the microrods, in which the lanthanide ions wind in a helical chain along an axis of the crystal.
Kalashnikov and his team used a special crystal to create a pair of entangled photons, a visible one and an infrared one (see image).
Metallic paint is so passé, too, it would seem with two special crystal - effect colours (Prism Silver and Panther Black) sitting atop the colour tree.
This odor control also comes from the fact that this model uses a special crystal litter for better absorption of the urine and fast dehydration.
The box uses a special crystal litter, packed in a convenient disposable litter tray, that's 5 times more effective at reducing odor than clay or clumping litters.
The urine gets absorbed by a special crystal litter that dries the clump out.
Unique weapon progression system based on item leveling and a special crystal enhancement skilltree with mutiple branches.
If the Pokémon is holding a special crystal while you hold the same Z - Crystal, it will perform an ultimate attack.
Assassins Creed III Liberation will feature the first female lead character in the game series and will be available in a special crystal white PlayStation Vita bundle.
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