Sentences with phrase «special delight»

He does a lot of outreach about climate change and takes special delight in engaging hostile audiences.
Those whacky Franciscan priests took special delight in burning entire clans in their kivas, and Onate was clearly filled with God's love when he killed 800 Acoma villagers, including men, women and children, enslaved the remaining 500, and amputated the left foot of every Acoma man over the age of twenty - five... because they wouldn't give up their winter supplies to support the missions.
Linda, I hope your day has been filled with special delights.
Savor special delights, prepared by loving innkeepers.
As a filmmaker, Jared Hess (Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre) has always taken special delight in turning his actors into mortifying cartoon dorks.
Ms. Duron recalls, «Throughout my childhood, my parents and other family members took special delight in acquainting me with my family heritage, replete with colorful history and traditions.
The theologian can be exonerated from certain coarse professional faults: he is not overly ambitious for position or even notice; he is not moving in this direction so that he can be seen by men or because of some special delight he has epater le bourgeoisie.
It provides the special delight we get from gradually unraveling a complicated case.
Since making his international breakthrough in the mid -»90s, the French writer - director has built a career of messy, novelistic ensemble mosaics like A Christmas Tale and Kings & Queen that don't so much move from A to B as zigzag wildly across the entire alphabet, taking special delight in discursively swerving off course, into backstory and expository side business.
The breeder will ask you almost as many questions about you as you will about them as they want their puppies to go to good homes with people who appreciate the special delights of a dachshund dog.
Poop eating (coprophagy) is not uncommon for dogs and neither is the special delight of poopsicles, buried and frozen under a fresh coating of snow.
Frogs are a special delight.
The chef's kitchen includes everything the culinary genius in the group requires for whipping up special delights.
A spectacular waterfall with a deep pool for swimming is a special delight.
Yet, I must admit, I take a special delight in couples who call earlier.
The lightness and whimsical decor (without tackiness) was a special delight, and we were amazed at the food at Sunday Cafe.
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