Sentences with phrase «special education status»

The impact of speech and language problems in kindergarten on academic learning and special education status in grade three.
When data is disaggregated by special education status, Nauset now has a lower percentage of students with disabilities scoring at the advanced level and a higher percentage of students with disabilities scoring at the failing or needs improvement level than in either 1998 or 1999.
The District attempts to compensate for some of these factors, weighing special education status, English proficiency, attendance, and eligibility for free or reduced - price lunch — a common proxy for poverty — in developing growth predictions for students.
The data include 8th - grade math and reading test scores and information on student gender, race / ethnicity, bilingual status, free or reduced price lunch status, and special education status.
The data include 8th - grade math and reading test scores and information on student gender, race / ethnicity, bilingual status, free or reduced - price lunch status, and special education status.
Specifically, we calculate growth for schools based on math scores while taking into account students» prior performance in both math and communication arts; characteristics that include race, gender, free or reduced - price lunch eligibility (FRL), English - language - learner status, special education status, mobility status, and grade level; and school - wide averages of these student characteristics.
If the parents did not disclose, then the student lost the special education status.
As a result, charter schools relied on parents to report that the student had a special education status at their former school.
Schools rarely received student records, including their special education status, before students enrolled.
Each state's score can be adjusted for any combination of up to six student demographic factors: age, race / ethnicity, frequency of English spoken at home, special education status, free or reduced - price lunch eligibility, and English language learner status.
These comparisons take into account students» test scores in the prior year as well as their race or ethnicity, gender, age, suspensions and absences in the previous year, whether they repeated a grade, special education status, and limited English status.
It is not possible to use this methodology to examine elementary schools because testing begins in third grade, so for those schools we compare test - score growth in traditional public schools and charter schools while taking into account student characteristics such as race, age, and special education status.
We educate any child who is accepted through our random lottery, regardless of race, economic situation, special education status, nationality, previous academic record, or any other characteristic.
The Massachusetts Students Information Management System (SIMS) contains information on all Massachusetts public school students» race, ethnicity, sex, reduced - price lunch status, special education status, English - language learner status, town of residence, and current school.
Supplemental Table 1: Demonstrates that students who won lotteries for SSCs and students who did not are virtually identical on all measured characteristics, including race / ethnicity, gender, poverty status, eighth - grade reading and math proficiency, and English language learner and special education status.
The study also found that about half the children receiving methylphenidate had special education status, also consistent with the Angold and Costello study cited by Surgeon General Satcher.
We received enrollment files from MPS each year that included information on the special education status of each MPS student.
Outcomes for the full sample of 3,000 children were only available with respect to data routinely collected by schools and part of state administrative records, such as days of school attendance and special education status.
VAM is a statistical tool that takes account of outside factors beyond a teacher's control that influence student learning, such as poverty, special education status, and other factors.
Ensures that schools admit students through a random selection process that is open to all students, is publicly verifiable, and does not establish undue barriers to application (such as mandatory information meetings, mandated volunteer service, or parent contracts) that exclude students based on socioeconomic, family, or language background, prior academic performance, special education status, or parental involvement.
Equity, when used in education, refers to all students receiving the same caliber of education regardless of the neighborhood they live in or their demographic characteristics, such as their race, ethnicity, special education status or other factors.
And, with the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act, there is at least implicit acknowledgment that standardized testing and the No Child Left Behind Act have failed at closing stubbornly wide equity gaps by race, income, language, and special education status.
We welcome students of all races, colors, creeds, religions, political orientations, sexual orientations, gender orientations, and special education statuses.
The growth model adjusts for the specific context of your teachers» students, including prior MAP score, English Language Learner Status, Special Education Status, Free / Reduced Price Lunch Status, and other student characteristics.
«Background characteristics (e.g., race, gender, neighborhood poverty, free lunch eligibility, being old - for - grade, and special education status) are all related to high school grades and test scores, but they do not tell us any more about who will pass, get good grades, or score well on tests in high school, once we take into account students» eighth - grade GPAs, attendance, and test scores,» the authors said.
And what about students who, due to their special education status, will never reach a universal standard for «proficient»?
Achieve has offered guidance to state leaders on how these systems can provide signals to ensure quality; improve the rates of students mastering standards; and most importantly, reduce disparities in mastery of standards among students by race, ethnicity, gender, family income, special education status, and English language learner status.
Under a model that controlled for students» special education status and for inconsistent use of accommodations, these same teachers ranked in the 38th and 49th percentile in math and 40th and 54th percentile in reading.
Charter schools should be required to publicly report on all spending, sources of funding, financial relationships between board members and charter management operators, student attrition rates including the number of students who enroll and leave each month, as well as detailed student demographic characteristics including free lunch, English learner and special education status.
I implement a dose response difference - in - differences estimation strategy, which uses the changes in special education brought about by the PBMAS to estimate the effect of special education status on student performance on state standardized exams, high school graduation rates, post-secondary attainment and quality at public universities in Texas, and earnings in the Texas labor market.
Administrative data (e.g., attendance, special education status) are collected from the school districts and the state.
The studies, undertaken at the request of the Oregon Leadership Network Research Alliance and the Maryland State Department of Education, respectively, examined exclusionary discipline practices (i.e., suspension and expulsion) and whether there are disparities by race, grade level, or special education status.
ensure that any student regardless of religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, special education status, native language, or gender be allowed to attend any qualified voucher program school.
A + Colorado believes the federal government must support and leverage educational improvement in all 50 states and 16 territories for all students regardless of their family income, special education status, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, documentation status, home language, and sexual orientation.
It was common to hear teachers blaming low achievement on such factors as students not being native English speakers or having special education status or low parent involvement.
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